Recent content by killerfish

  1. K

    What is the integration rule for a constant y^2?

    I think i got it. Thanks for the hint. I guess I really need more practice.
  2. K

    What is the integration rule for a constant y^2?

    Hi, Please help me on this. I do not how to start on this integration, so i simply apply basic integration rule. Usually, there is a formulas sheet for me to convert this alike question to trigo form(after integrate) but this one seem different. edited: y^2 is const The Attempt at a Solution...
  3. K

    Is 2t a Rough Estimate of Wavelength in Thin Film Interference?

    sry for the late reply... 1. for example, if the system give destructive result, i should sub in (m + 1/2)\lambdan into \Delta at the third line of equation ? 2. and you mentioned the 2t is relate to the wavelength, then we actually can use that to find the wavelength entered into the thin...
  4. K

    Solving Impulse Function Homework: [1 2 3 4] for n= -4 to 0

    Homework Statement Hi guys, I tried google for it but no avail so i seek for your help. I have a impulse function x[n] = [1 2 3 4] for n= -4 to 0 The Attempt at a Solution what does the 1 2 3 4 inside the bracket mean? at n = -3, there is a amplitude of 2? Thank you.
  5. K

    Is 2t a Rough Estimate of Wavelength in Thin Film Interference?

    Hi guys, i have problem with Interference in Thin Films, i tried worked the solution not sure it is correct. Hope someone can help me check? Also there is some part on the topic i don't quite follow, 2t is the extra distance traveled inside the film, then is 2t is also rough estimate of...
  6. K

    Problem with Improper Integration - Is Zero the Correct Answer?

    If 1 is integrated, we get t and then sub in the boundary value the answer still 0? here the actual g(t) suppose to be g(t) = cos(2\pif0t) - jsin(2\pif0t).
  7. K

    Problem with Improper Integration - Is Zero the Correct Answer?

    Hi again, I have a problem regarding improper integration. Homework Statement Refer to the image. I tried to solve and got zero for the answer. Is that correct? I refer to my actual problem it seem like it don't won't this way... Thanks
  8. K

    Integration with a unit step function

    so if i have muliplication of few unit step function like in the image below, am i right this way?
  9. K

    Integration with a unit step function

    Hi, i have a problem with integration a function with a unit step function. Homework Statement Given, Refer to the image, i dun understand is that u(t) is equal to 1 from a definite integration from -\infty to \infty since u(t)=1 from -\infty to 0 and u(t)=0 from 0 to \infty...
  10. K

    Can Induction Prove the Inequality 2n + 1 < 2^n for n ≥ 3?

    Homework Statement Prove: 2n + 1 < 2n , with n >= 3Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 2 (3) + 1 = 7 and 23 = 8. So 2 (3) + 1 < 23. Thus the inequality holds with n = 3: Suppose the inequality holds with n = k Then 2k+ 1 < 2k: So 2k + 1 + 2 < 2k + 2 2k + 3 < 2k + 2k 2k + 3 < 2(2k) 2...
  11. K

    So the identity is actually:\sum_{i = 0}^{n-1} i = \frac{n(n-1)}{2}

    Hi guys, sry if i asked a silly qns. Is the below equivalent is true?
  12. K

    Solving Boolean Algebra: a'b'c' + abc = 1?

    Hi guys, I'm new to boolean algebra, i couldn't get this through... a'b'c' + abc = 1 ? or i have to use (abc)' + abc = 1 to get 1 ? Thanks you.
  13. K

    Linear and non linear differential

    thanks guys for showing out the points I am much clearer now...=)