Recent content by KevinFr

  1. KevinFr

    B Finding intervals of a 3 degree function?

    Aaah. Thank you for the explanation! That cleared it up for me :D
  2. KevinFr

    B Finding intervals of a 3 degree function?

    The question says find apex, low point and the monotonic properties of the functions. a) b) c)... To find intervals, I use the abc-formula. Example: f(x) = 3x^3 - 3x d/dx * f(x) = 3 * 3x^2 - 3, here a=3*3, b= -3 and c=0 (because there is none) x1 = ( -b + sqrt(b^2 + 4*ac) ) / 2a x2 = ( -b -...