Recent content by Kevin2341

  1. K

    Looking for some help on a mechanical design

    I believe a winch is on the right track for what I need. The system will retract the cord when lifting a weight, a winch would do well due to the built in braking system. I just need a way to slow the extending speed (so that the weight doesn't drop too fast). The goal is to transmit the...
  2. K

    Looking for some help on a mechanical design

    I'm a junior at my university in electrical engineering and we're tasked with created an original project for my electricity and magnetism theory class. I've come up with something I want to do, however a fair amount of the design for this project is pretty far out of what I know how to do...
  3. K

    Calculating turns in an inductor

    Homework Statement Hey everyone, I got a question wrong on my homework that I'm trying to figure out. I'm given this: "a 500uH solenoid(inductor) with an air core is 10cm long has an inside diameter of 1cm. How many turns of wire does it have? Homework Equations L = N2*u*A / l...
  4. K

    Can water be cooled below room temperature without refrigeration?

    It is a closed loop system, no way to change the water in it without voiding the warranty and more than likely causing a major headache of trying to put it back together safely and without bubbles The water line feels pretty cool when I touch it as well, I wouldn't put it past about 60...
  5. K

    Can water be cooled below room temperature without refrigeration?

    I got a pretty basic question about the thermodynamics of air cooling water. I have a liquid cooling system for my CPU, and my monitor currently has my CPU temperature at 14C, which translates somewhere in the range of the high 50s F. I keep my house at 78F during the summer. Is it possible...
  6. K

    Engineering Circuit Analysis via Laplace Transforms :yuck:

    Well I tried that lol. I have sifted through class presentation after class presentation with not much to my benefit
  7. K

    Engineering Circuit Analysis via Laplace Transforms :yuck:

    Hi there, I have my final in my circuit analysis class tomorrow morning(at a community college, it feels like two semesters worth of content was covered in 18 weeks). Last week, the teacher went over LaPlace Transform analysis rather quickly, and then onto basic digital logic. I do not...
  8. K

    Large Amplitude Solutions in a forced massed spring system

    "Large Amplitude Solutions in a forced massed spring system" Homework Statement Using the formula, y"+by'+k1*y+k2*h(y) = -10 +0.1sin(ωt) In the previous part of the of this "lab", I had to use some conditions for b, k1, k2, and ω, and analytically solve the problem and compare the graphs...
  9. K

    Engineering Acquiring negative voltages in real life circuitry?

    Yes we are using ua741 opamps. We want 9v as the initial voltage before the Wheatstone bridge, between each branch, one branch will have 240 ohms of resistance between two resistors, and the other branch has a rheostat rated for 120ohms and then another 120 ohms. The bridge is sent to an...
  10. K

    Engineering Acquiring negative voltages in real life circuitry?

    Homework Statement I'm working on a project for my circuit analysis class in which we designed a circuit that involves a wheatstone bridge, takes the voltage difference and then amplifies it to a useable level. I am past that phase of the design, I have a working circuit for that on a...
  11. K

    Engineering Voltage response of a resistor in an AC circuit

    Homework Statement For the circuit below, assume the source phase angle is 0° Write the differential equation which would allow you to find the voltage response across resistor R2. Using the General Solution for the solution of such a differential equation write the complete...
  12. K

    Diff. Equations or Linear Algebra

    I'm currently enrolled in Differential Equations and have never taken Linear Algebra. However, my teacher has explained all of the linear algebra tricks we'd need to know (specifically matrix math and eigenvectors and values)
  13. K

    How to Find Thevenin Resistance after Shorting Batteries?

    My procedure when it came to doing thevenin equivalents, especially when you get nasty diagrams like that, was to start by simplifying the circuit (I have a thing against diagonal lines in electric diagrams). Reading your question, what you want to do is find the equivalent resistance. Use all...
  14. K

    Finding voltage from a fully charged capacitor?

    That's kind of what I thought too. I left my voltage as V(c), or the voltage of the capacitor. I wasn't sure if I was just missing some equation out there. This is one of those 1 known-2unknown situations, so I'm leaving it as a vague variable :)
  15. K

    Finding voltage from a fully charged capacitor?

    Homework Statement I am given a circuit in which my homework is asking my to find the time constants of this circuit: The problem wants the time constants and then wants to find the voltage response when the circuit is in the position connecting the 2k ohm resistor. the capacitors...