Recent content by katiska

  1. K

    Which Solid Modeling and FEA Software is Most Preferred by Engineers?

    I use Pro/E and Solidworks + Ansys Abaqus.
  2. K

    Programs Path to a PhD in Aerospace Engineering: Requirements and Timeline

    Heh, I'm skipping B. Sc. and going straight for the M. Sc. Not going for PhD though.
  3. K

    Aerospace Engineering: Hardest Engineering?

    Material mechanics. Material mechanics :-p
  4. K

    How has your transition from the army to civilian life been?

    Iraq? You think Finland would send reserves to Iraq? I'm not from USA.
  5. K

    How has your transition from the army to civilian life been?

    After a year I have been released to reserve and I'm now a free man. It's been unbelievable. The experience was a hell, but it was worth it. From hot days of july to cold winter (+30C -> -30C). I lost weight from 85 kg's to 68 kg's and I'm 180 cm tall. I could cry now :cry: Now I'm...
  6. K

    Scents that remind you of things.

    The smell of a soap in the army reminds me of fear and death. The entire building where I started my training smells like that.
  7. K

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    Yes, I do enjoy. I study mechanical engineering at the technical university of Helsinki, but I take medicine courses from the university of Helsinki. Dentistry is also interesting and I have assisted a dentist for months (don't ask why or how). But after the M. Sc. I'll probably start...
  8. K

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    Hi. Serving my time in the Finnish army as a corporal medic, but I'll be out soon (a year has almost passed).
  9. K

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive