Recent content by k0b3

  1. K

    Solve Damping & Forced Oscillations Problems: Frequency, Amplitude & More

    I was hoping someone could explain damping and forced oscillations. I had a couple of problems I could not do that revolved around these topics because I couldn't figure out which equations to use. Here's an example. 1. Homework Statement Damping is negligible for a 0.155 kg object...
  2. K

    How Does Water Drag Affect Anchor Acceleration and Torque on a Ship's Reel?

    Basically what I did to solve the first part of the question (which asked what was the acceleration as it feel through the air, neglecting air resistance) was ma = mg - T. To solve to tension, I also used torque, which is torque = F x r = I times angular acceleration. If you substitute for I by...
  3. K

    Avg Coefficient of Volumetric Expansion

    I really don't know what the problem is with these questions but I seem to be getting within 10% of the correct answer. Here is an example question: The density of gasoline is 730 kg/m3 at 0°C. Its average coefficient of volume expansion is 9.60 10-4 / C°. Assume 1.00 gal of gasoline...
  4. K

    How Does Water Drag Affect Anchor Acceleration and Torque on a Ship's Reel?

    Question: Assume that the Titanic is drifting in Southampton harbor before its fateful journey and the captain wishes to stop the drift by dropping an anchor. The iron anchor has a mass 4000 kg. It is attached to a massless rope. The rope is wrapped around a reel in the form of a solid disk of...