Recent content by Jukai

  1. J

    Integrating a Complex Function: A Challenge

    Hello, thanks for the help a few days ago, I found a way to solve this problem and I came back to give some closure. If we use sin(x)=(e^ix-e^-ix)/2i, and multiply that by itself four times (to the power 4), we will get some positive and some negative exponentials. There is a pole at z=0. We...
  2. J

    Integrating a Complex Function: A Challenge

    Thank you for the reply. I will try integrating with the relation you've proposed. As for the other method, the one I started with, the limit tends to infinity in my calculations. If z=εe^(iθ), then dz=iεe^(iθ) and the equation you've written becomes f(z) = \frac{1}{8}...
  3. J

    Integrating a Complex Function: A Challenge

    Homework Statement Integrate the following: (sin(x)/x)^4 between negative infinity and infinity. Homework Equations The residue theorem, contour integral techniques. The answer should be 2pi/3 The Attempt at a Solution I'm not even sure where to start honestly. I define a function...
  4. J

    Compton Scattering Homework: Find Energy & Angles

    Yes, I didn't mean to write Ee
  5. J

    Compton Scattering Homework: Find Energy & Angles

    I see, that would make more sense. Then E is 160keV, which is bigger than E' as expected. Thank you
  6. J

    Compton Scattering Homework: Find Energy & Angles

    E + mec² = 120keV + 40keV ==> E = -351keV no? (I assume E'=120keV and Ee'=40keV, and that mec² = 511keV)
  7. J

    Compton Scattering Homework: Find Energy & Angles

    Homework Statement In a relativistic collision between a photon and an electron, the recoiling electron has an energy of 40keV and the scattered photon an energy of 120keV. Find the energy of the photon before the collision, find the angles at which the photon and the electrons are scattered...
  8. J

    Parachutist falling with quadratic drag

    Thank you very much =), it's too easy to forget the substitution trick for integration.. last edit: (for those who care =) )So I found out iii), I just had to integrate to x starting from ma= -CV + mg where the right side are constants.
  9. J

    Parachutist falling with quadratic drag

    MAJOR EDIT: I fixed my position integral and got the answer to 1.ii) Homework Statement A parachutist jumps from a helicopter that's not moving. The mass of the person is 80kg, the quadratic drag is f = -Cv^2 where C = 3,52. Neglect the Earth's rotation effect. The parachute is opened as soon...
  10. J

    Oscillatory motion with a suspended mass

    Homework Statement A mass m is suspended on a vertical spring. The mass is released from the equilibrium position of the spring without the mass. Find the position of the mass as a function of time, while neglecting friction. Homework Equations ma=-kx + mg The Attempt at a Solution...
  11. J

    Limit Calculation for Block Sliding on Lubricated Surface with Quadratic Drag

    I just tried it, and my limit is still wrong. My second integral is now x = m/c((1/Vo^(1/2)) - (ct/m))
  12. J

    Limit Calculation for Block Sliding on Lubricated Surface with Quadratic Drag

    Homework Statement A block of mass m slides on a horizontal surface that's been lubricated with a heavy oil so that the block suffers a viscous resistance that varies as the 3/2 power of the speed. If the initial speed of the block is Vo at x=o, show that the block cannot travel further...