Recent content by johnsmith456

  1. J

    Clausius clapeyrion equation Hfg

    Hi guys I'm trying to figure out a way of calculating the enthalpy of vaporisation using the clapeyron equation. So far I have two different forms of the clapeyron equation. However, I'm not sure how to go any further. Ln(P2/P1) = (ΔHfg / R) ( 1/T1 - 1/T2) eqn(1) Ln(P) = -(ΔHfg...
  2. J

    Thermodynamics - ideal gas properties

    Hey guys, I'm working on calculating the enthalpy, entropy and internal energy of substances. treating them as an ideal gas. I wonder if I could be pointed in the right direction with some calculations. Enthalpy change: h2-h1=∫cp dT+ ∫[v-T(∂v/∂T)P]dP At ideal gas the pressure integral...
  3. J

    Ideal gas specific heat coefficients

    Hello, I'm trying to find the coefficients for the ideal gas specific heat at constant pressure in the form: Cp = a + bT + cT^2 + dT^3 (kJ/kmol.K) I need to find these coefficients for Octane. I have found them online in a slightly different form.. Cp = a + bT + cT^2 + dT^3 + eT^4...
  4. J

    Development of a thermodynamic property database hydrocarbons

    Hiya guys, I've just started a project, of which the aim is to develop a thermodynamic property database for hydrcarbon fuels. I've been asked to start by reading up on the maxwell relationships and clapeyron equation etc. so hopefully this will give you an idea of what I am trying to...