Recent content by JnWaco

  1. J

    Simple Mechanical Design Program? (free?)

    Yeah, I like to draw, and the concept I'm working on is super simple. I need to go read up on motor sizes, battery capacity, etc., now!
  2. J

    Simple Mechanical Design Program? (free?)

    Nevermind - I just drew it by hand - design is simple enough to test with prototypes.
  3. J

    Simple Mechanical Design Program? (free?)

    Hi, I'm designing a product using very very simple springs and gears and was wondering if there was a good software that can help test designs, preferably an inexpensive program. The design itself is very simple, and I don't need full blown CAD or anything that stout just yet.
  4. J

    The Strong Androidic Principle

    Honestly, I dunno. Robots seem pretty simple compared to life forms here on earth, even single-celled self-replicating ones.
  5. J

    The Strong Androidic Principle

    Now there's a thought, although none of us will be around to go on the trip.
  6. J

    The Strong Androidic Principle

    I'm not well versed in all of the calculations and math behind it, but would it not then be easier or more probable that robots would evolve? It seems a little foreign, since we create robots ourselves, but... what are the odds that robots would exist absent life on earth?
  7. J

    Reading Advice for a Non-physicist

    Oh, I see, trying to make me feel old! just kidding In any case, I'm not one to turn down advice even from someone much younger, so thanks a lot for your suggestions!
  8. J

    If the universe is infinite, does that mean that everything exists somewhere?

    Well, I was referring to the original poster's question - poor choice of words on my part- I just meant that an infinite universe could still not have everything exist, and in fact there could be an infinite number of things that wouldn't exist.
  9. J

    If the universe is infinite, does that mean that everything exists somewhere?

    I was reading about infinity - and aren't there differing orders of infinity, and even sets of infinite numbers that still exclude other numbers? Like the set of all even numbers is infinite. But it does not include the number 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. So even if the universe was infinite, there...
  10. J

    Reading Advice for a Non-physicist

    Thanks! I'm actually on about page 90 of A Brief History of Time. Started it last night and couldn't put it down. Between that and Why Does E=MC^2, they give a layman a pretty good picture of these concepts. I bought both of those books at the same time. Now, being borderline OCD, I'd...
  11. J

    If the universe is infinite, does that mean that everything exists somewhere?

    I'm a layman, just getting into physics, but that makes sense. So are there infinite universes, or just one universe that is infinite. I saw a special on the Discovery channel where they said there were an infinite number of universes in the "multiverse". How was that proven (or derived)?
  12. J

    If the universe is infinite, does that mean that everything exists somewhere?

    lol, you sure know how to pour water on a nice thought! just kidding
  13. J

    If the universe is infinite, does that mean that everything exists somewhere?

    So there might not be another Earth where I'm dating Jennifer Aniston? Dang.
  14. J

    In currently understood physics, does the universe have a centre?

    Pardon me, I'm nowhere near as smart as the dumbest one of you guys, being I'm not a scientist, but is Hubble's "constant" (Ho) uniform in every direction from the Earth? I'd like to point out that physics and cosmology are a recent interest in mine, though I have no scientific training...