Recent content by j-e_c

  1. J

    A Quick Question on Compton Scattering

    Thanks for the quick reply. Note - I'm going to change theta to x so I can avoid LaTeX complications. Similarly, I'm going to change lambda to a and lambda-prime to b. First, I rearranged the equation to make cos(x) the subject: (b - a) = h/mc (1 - cos(x)) (b - a)mc/h = 1 - cos(x)...
  2. J

    A Quick Question on Compton Scattering

    [b]1. A photon of wavelength 1.000nm is scattered by a muon initially at rest. What is the deflection angle of the photon if its wavelength after scattering is 1.001nm? Homework Equations \lambda^{'} - \lambda = \frac{h}{mc} (1 - cos(\vartheta) Assume that the mass of the muon is 200 times...
  3. J

    Standing Wave Equation: Exploring Y = 2Asin(\omegat)cos(kx)

    It's OK, I've solved it now.
  4. J

    Standing Wave Equation: Exploring Y = 2Asin(\omegat)cos(kx)

    My lecturer said that a standing wave is formed when two waves that travel in the opposite have the same frequency. He said that if the waves are y1 and y2, then the resulting wave y can be given as the sum: y = y1 + y2. y = Asin(\omegat - kx) + Asin(\omegat + kx). (1) Where the...
  5. J

    Please describe elastic hysteresis in plain English

    I've tried looking on various websites to find a definition I can understand but every website describes it differently, even the online dictionaries. I have also tried looking in my Y&F University Physics. I just don't <i>understand</i> what elastic hysteresis is because most descriptions don't...
  6. J

    Angular acceleration and it's mass dependancy

    I have no way of knowing. This question is from a university past paper for which there is no mark scheme. That's why I posted it here really.
  7. J

    Calculating Hydraulic Pressure in a Neutron Star

    OK, I've got it, thanks RoyalCat!
  8. J

    Calculating Hydraulic Pressure in a Neutron Star

    Thanks, for your reply. Here is my second attempt: dP = - \rhogdh \frac{dP}{dh} = -\rhog \int\frac{dP}{dh}dh = \int-\rhogdh P = -\rhoGM\int\frac{1}{r^{2}}dh between 10000 and 9950 P = -\rhoGM [\frac{1}{r}] 10000...9950 = -\rhoGM [\frac{1}{10000}-\frac{1}{9950}] =3.14x10^{31} Pa I...
  9. J

    Calculating Hydraulic Pressure in a Neutron Star

    Homework Statement Assuming a neutron star is made from an incompressible material, what is the hydraulic pressure 50m below the surface? Mass = 1.98x10^30kg Radius = 10km 2. The attempt at a solution g=GM/r^2 = (6.67x10^-11 x 1.98x10^30)/ 10000^2 = 1.32x10^12 m/s^2 P=P_{0} + \rhogh Pa...
  10. J

    Angular acceleration and it's mass dependancy

    Homework Statement A wooden door is closed by applying a perpendicular force to it. If the magnitude of the force is constant and takes 2 seconds for the door to close, how long would it take to close the door with the same amount of force, in the same manner, if the door was made of a...
  11. J

    Gyroscopes, moment of inertia, rotational energy and friction.

    Homework Statement A gyroscope consists of a solid disk of diameter 1m and mass 100kg mounted on an axis passing through the center of mass of the disk. (a) Calculate the moment of inertia of the disk about its rotational axis. (b) What is the kinetic energy of rotation of the disk if its...