Recent content by InsertName

  1. I

    Second order expansion of metric in free-fall

    Hello, I have read that, in a freely-falling frame, the metric/ interval will be of the form: ds2 = -c2dt2(1 + R0i0jxixj) - 2cdtdxi(\frac{2}{3} R0jikxjxk) + (dxidxj(δij - \frac{1}{3} Rikjlxkxl) to second order. Does anyone know where I could find a derivation of this result?
  2. I

    Variation of the metric tensor determinant

    Homework Statement This is not homework but more like self-study - thought I'd post it here anyway. I'm taking the variation of the determinant of the metric tensor: \delta(det[g\mu\nu]). Homework Equations The answer is \delta(det[g\mu\nu]) =det[g\mu\nu] g\mu\nu...
  3. I

    'Symmetrisation Notation' - What is it?

    I'm reading Hobson, Efstathiou and Lasenby, where on page 490, some notation is used that I am not familiar with. In the rather long equation (17.62), some terms contain things like \partial_{(\mu} h^{\rho}_{\nu)} . The author(s) then says "where we have made use of the symmetrisation...
  4. I

    Requirements for the origin of life on Earth

    Thanks for the replies! It already sounds more interesting than I imagined...
  5. I

    Requirements for the origin of life on Earth

    Hi, I'm a physicist with a layman's interest in biology. I was just wondering what the physical requirements for the origin of life on Earth are expected to be. So, for example, pressure range, temperature range, chemicals needed etc. If this has an answer, how confident is the community, or...
  6. I

    How is a spark created from scraping metal to start a fire?

    On a fundamental level, can anyone explain how a spark is created from scraping a knife along a piece of metal as done by people who want to light fires 'in the wild'?
  7. I

    Searching for Plotting Software for Windows - PhysicsForums

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct section of the forum to post this but here it goes... I'm looking for some plotting software (to run on Windows) that would be suitable for general use on an undergraduate physics course. I've played with "Grapher" on OSX and it seemed like the kind of...
  8. I

    Which of these two decays is more likely using the CKM matrix?

    Homework Statement I'm trying to get familiar with how to use the CKM matrix when tackling such questions as "which of these two decays is more likely". My example question is: Which is more likely c\bar{d} ---> s\bar{d} or c\bar{d} ---> d\bar{d} Homework Equations The...
  9. I

    If the Higgs is 'responsible' for the mass

    Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing things up, it makes much more sense now! I know that might sound sarcastic but it's not.
  10. I

    If the Higgs is 'responsible' for the mass

    If the Higgs is responsible for the mass in the universe, but the Higgs itself has mass, then isn't that a little weird? It kind of has 'god' undertones in that sense. Is that actually why it's called (by some people) 'the God particle'? Thanks.
  11. I

    Why is the proton's mass so much larger than the combined masses of its quarks?

    Is it do with the fact that the force holding quarks together increases as the distance between the quarks increases?Also, the guy who you are quoting is wrong about the gluons, gluons are massless!