Recent content by in the rye

  1. I

    Typically where are preconditions checked for methods?

    Hey all, I'm currently taking data structures and algorithms. We are running member functions that have preconditions (requirements for the function to work), and post-conditions (what the function guarantees will happen provided the preconditions are met). We are doing a "quick and dirty"...
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    How, exactly, are chained assignments processed?

    Hi all, I have a question. I am writing a copy constructor for a class, and I'm not sure this has ever made sense to me. When we write the copy constructor we return *this to support chained assignments. But my question is, why is this required? Suppose we have integers a,b,c where c = 0. If I...
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    C/C++ What should I be most familiar w/for C++ Data Structs & Algorithms

    I feel fairly competent with procedural programming. I was actually looking at getting that Data Structures book, but also considering the CLRS Intro. Algo. Book. Are there any specific topics within OOP that I should focus on? Likewise with pointers and STL?
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    C/C++ What should I be most familiar w/for C++ Data Structs & Algorithms

    Hey all, This coming Spring semester (starts in 6 weeks), I will be taking C++ Data Structures and Algorithms at my University. I started programming at University, so my experience is very limited (I've taken 3 programming courses, 1 in Python, 2 in C++). Topics we've covered in C++ were...
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    Proving a (known isomorphic) graph is isomorphic

    Not that I'm aware of. The reason you check for degree sequence is that in order for it to be an isomorph they must have the same degree sequence. However, having the same degree sequence does not make them isomorphs. For example you could have a connected cyclic graph where n = 8, and another...
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    Proving a (known isomorphic) graph is isomorphic

    This is correct. This is how you do the second part of the proof, which is what I'm having trouble with. The bijection is easy for me to spot, but for the adjacency matrix you have to arrange your rows and columns in such a manner that it produces identical matrices for each graph. In this...
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    Proving a (known isomorphic) graph is isomorphic

    Homework Statement Graph: Included as an upload or: Given: The graph is isomorphic. Prove that it is indeed isomorphic. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Let the left graph be G(Vg,Eg), and the right graph be...
  8. I

    Determining if this degree sequence is graphic

    Facepalm. I completely missed that... I went back an re-looked at the problem before coming back to this post. It worked out when I applied the alogorithm correctly... thanks haha
  9. I

    Determining if this degree sequence is graphic

    Homework Statement Determine if the degree sequence 3,3,2,2,2,2 is graphic. Homework Equations Havel-Hakimi The Attempt at a Solution [/B] Check to see if the sum is even: 3+3+2+2+2+2 = 16It is even, therefore apply Havel-Hakimi 3,3,2,2,2,2 -> remove the 3 and subtract the next 3 by 1...
  10. I

    Discrete Math Proof: Necessary Condition for Divisibility by 6

    Thanks. I'm having trouble being too wordy because I feel like I need to cover my basis. Do you have any general tips to proof reading (no pun intended) proofs?
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    Discrete Math Proof: Necessary Condition for Divisibility by 6

    Homework Statement We have JUST started writing proofs recently, and I am a little bit doubtful in my abilities in doing this, so I just want to verify that my proof actually works. I was expecting this one to be a lot longer since the previous 2 were. I don't see any glaring flaws in it, but...
  12. I

    How High Can You Jump on asteroid 243 Ida?

    Cool, thanks. Beyond dimensional analysis how would you attempt to prove this? It seemed to almost come intuitively to me because of our work in 1D problems, and even 2D when examining components.
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    How High Can You Jump on asteroid 243 Ida?

    Sorry, I didn't carry the decimals correctly in my post. 939.78 would be correct, however, the approximation gives a round off error of 573 meters. When using exacts I get 574m when rounded. I am also aware that multiplication is not a ration, I refer back to my original post: A ratio...
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    How High Can You Jump on asteroid 243 Ida?

    Homework Statement The asteroid 243 Ida has a mass of about 4.0×1016kg and an average radius of about 16 km (it’s not spherical, but you can assume it is). If you can jump 61 cm straight up on earth, how high could you jump on 243 Ida? (Assume the asteroid’s gravity doesn’t weaken significantly...
  15. I

    Circular Motion/Newton's Laws-- Swinging a Pail

    I guess it'd depend what part we're looking at but I'd imagine it'd be acting downwards at its peak, upwards at its valley, in fact, it seems like the normal force would be centripetal as well assuming the opening of the bucket is always faced towards the center?