Recent content by holiwis123

  1. H

    Magnetic field strenght - confusion here

    I forgot to mention I'm using a neodymium magnet and not a normal one. About the "the closer the magnet to the surface is, the stronger the friction force.", the friction force, as the interaction of both materials (cardboard and magnet) is always the same, what changes is another factor called...
  2. H

    Magnetic field strenght - confusion here

    No! It actually works quite well, there is an increase in speed the more cardboard are there. (i.e. if there's only one cardboard, it goes pretty slow, with three is faster, with eight even more)
  3. H

    Magnetic field strenght - confusion here

    so what would you use? the experiment I'm planning is a magnet going down a slope of aluminium. if the magnet is directly in contact with the slope, it goes really slowly, and as I increase the distance by putting card board layers, the velocity increases. Which dependeny is there in this case?
  4. H

    Magnetic field strenght - confusion here

    okay right, makes sense. Then, shouldn't the magnet have some tipe of constant, that divided over 1/r^3 would give the strenght with which it would attract something at r distance?
  5. H

    Magnetic field strenght - confusion here

    I'm not sure how magnetic field strenghts and dipoles work. I know that the strenght decreases by 1/r^3, but - isn't magnetic field strenght a constant inherent to the magnet? - if it is not constant, what is? - how is all this related to magnetic damping force?