Recent content by hisacro

  1. hisacro

    [guide] Dark and Custom themes for pf

    I know it's sarcastic, but you could create any theme you want.. here's few light theme samples
  2. hisacro

    [guide] Dark and Custom themes for pf

    I'm mostly lurking here all my undergrad years, I just want to make something memorable.. wanted a dark theme forever so in the end I created one. ** Installation ** need this plugin, stylus or stylish (libre-software licensed under GPL-3.0) for firefox, chrome install this style, pretty...
  3. hisacro

    Ampere's circuital law -- Monopole thought experiment

    That's really interesting, I thought Biot-Savart's law was formulated because of experimental results and I initially planned to read till diffraction guess I'll go for another book after this Electromagnetic theory.