Recent content by headbang

  1. H

    MHB Derivative Calculation: f'(x) & Increase/Decrease

    You are right that i have to use f^{\prime}(x) to find out where f increases and decreases. I still don't understand how to calculate this, to solve the problem.
  2. H

    MHB Derivative Calculation: f'(x) & Increase/Decrease

    Have a function f(x)=4x^3-x^4 Found the x values are X -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 , 4, f(Y) -5, 0, 3, 16, 27, 0 i Need to find f^{\prime}(x) and find where it incteases and decreases??f`(x)= 3*4x^2-4x^3=4x^2(3-x) what to Next?
  3. H

    MHB How to calculate with two unknowns

    How to calculate with two unknowns. Solve.. 4x-5y=7 3y-2x=1
  4. H

    MHB Understanding Quadratic Equations: Solving for x

    Or maybe: 2x-x<3+1 x<4
  5. H

    MHB Understanding Quadratic Equations: Solving for x

    Can somone please help me understand this. maybe a solution with explanation .. \frac{2x-1}{x+3}<1 Maby the NeXT step..?? 2x-1<x+3 Can we use this in the x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}
  6. H

    MHB Simplifying by combining terms

    \frac{x+2+2y+2+x-2(y+1)}{(x+2)(y+1)} 2y+2+x-2=x+2y Ok?
  7. H

    MHB Solve Equation: \frac{x}{2}+3=\frac{x+2}{3}-x

    3x+18=2x+4-6x 3x-2x+6x=4-18 \frac{7x}{7}=\frac{-14}{7} x=-2An other try... Is it ok? And thank you all so much for helping me, trying to get my head around this math.. You are all worth your weight in gold...
  8. H

    MHB Solve Equation: \frac{x}{2}+3=\frac{x+2}{3}-x

    Ok hav to be 6.. 2*3 \frac{2*3*x}{2}+6*3=\frac{x*2*2*3}{3}-x*6 3x+18=4x-6x 3x-4x-6x+18= -7x=-18 7x=18 OK ?
  9. H

    MHB Solve Equation: \frac{x}{2}+3=\frac{x+2}{3}-x

    Ok have other solve Equations.. \frac{x}{2}+3=\frac{x+2}{3}-x
  10. H

    MHB Simplifying by combining terms

    Can the ansver be: \frac{2+x}{4y} And i stil don't understand how you solved the messy 3rd term..? what i did from where you left me.. \frac{x+2+2y+2+x-y}{(x+2)(y+1)} \frac{4+2x+y}{(8x+2)(y+1)} \frac{2*2+x*x+y}{x*y+2y+y+y+2}
  11. H

    MHB Simplifying by combining terms

    Ok.. What about this one? \frac{1}{y+1}+\frac{2}{x+2}+\frac{\frac{x+2}{y+1}-2}{x+2} this is where I am at: \left(\frac{x+2}{y+1}-2\right)
  12. H

    MHB How Can I Simplify This Complex Mathematical Expression?

    You are so good.. You solved it even if i can't read and Write the right Expression... :)
  13. H

    MHB How Can I Simplify This Complex Mathematical Expression?

    Hello, I am having difficulty solving my math problems. Simplify the Expression and show how.. And kalkulate z²+w(2wz)²-(w+4z²-1)w³-(z+w²)(x-w²) And w=2 I know we have many ways doing it, an the more ways i can study, the bether i can understand this..