Recent content by hauthuong

  1. H

    How Does Initial Bullet Speed Relate to Conservation of Energy and Momentum?

    thank you A 1.72 kg object is suspended from a spring with k = 19.1 N/m. The mass is pulled 0.305 m downward from its equilibrium position and allowed to oscillate. What is the maximum kinentic energy of the object in J? 1/2 kx^2=1/2 mv^2 and I got it wrong too
  2. H

    How Does Initial Bullet Speed Relate to Conservation of Energy and Momentum?

    A bullet of mass 0.0021 kg is shot into a wooden block of mass 0.197 kg. They rise to a final height of 0.546 m as shown. What was the initial speed (in m/s) of the bullet before it hit the block? I figured out this one I got another one A 5.0 kg ball is attached to a vertical...
  3. H

    Calculating Energy Transformed by Friction in a Falling Satellite

    for kinetic energy I will us 1/2mv^2 .How do I find the V initial , Also, for Potential energy , I have to use GM1M2/r2 ? is it right? Thank you
  4. H

    Calculating Energy Transformed by Friction in a Falling Satellite

    A 500 kg satellite is in a orbit at an altitude of 500 km above the Earth's surface. because of the air friction, the satellite eventually falls to the Earth's surface, where it hits the ground with a speed of 2.00 km/ much energy was transformed into the internal energy by means of...
  5. H

    Conservative Force: Mechanical Energy, f(x) & x Value

    I am sorry for the typo fx and Fx is the same, for the second part : x=4 so the fx=0?
  6. H

    Conservative Force: Mechanical Energy, f(x) & x Value

    a single conservative force f(x) acts on a 1.0 kg particles that move along the x axis. the potential energy u(x) associated with f(x) is given by u(x)=-4xe^(-x/4) J, where x is in meters. at x=5.0 m, the particles has a kinetic energy of 2.0J. a) what is the mechanical energy of the system...
  7. H

    Block of wood friction problem

    thank for your reply . So the above problem does not give me enough info to solve. Is it right? (because it does not give me V and F)
  8. H

    Block of wood friction problem

    a 7 g bullet fires into a 1kg block of wood held in a vise, will penetrate the block a depth of 8.00 cm . this block of wood is placed on frictionless horizontal surface, and a 7.00 g bullet is fired from the gun into the block. to what depth will the bullet penetrate the block ? I bang my...
  9. H

    Rotating Wedge & Rise of Mass: Speed Calculation

    thank you, however, i do not quite understand why r=l. Could you please explain
  10. H

    Rotating Wedge & Rise of Mass: Speed Calculation

    the sloping side is frictionless, it is spun at constant speed by rotating the wedge. show that when a mass rises up the wedge a distance L, the speed of the mass is v=sqr(gLsin0) I got Fx=m(v^2/r) = mgsin0 v^2=g*sin0*r can I say r=L ? I got stuck, could you give me some hints thank you
  11. H

    Instaneous power delivered by the force at any timet

    Thank you very much, I got it, and I have another homework. A raindrop (m=3.35*10^-5 kg) falls vertically at a constant speed under the influence of gravity and air resistance. after the drop has fallen 100m, a)what is the work done by gravity? b)the energy discipated by air resistance? I...
  12. H

    How do u like Electrical Engineering

    Hello, I will be trained as integrated avionics systems in the U.S airforce . I am currently enroll in College. I lke to be computer programmer. when I search for jobs, most jobs are being offered if I have Electronic Engineer background. I frankly acknowledge I have no ideas what EE is. Could...
  13. H

    Instaneous power delivered by the force at any timet

    formula P=W/t or P=FV , and I don't know how to get t and and m involve in the formula
  14. H

    Instaneous power delivered by the force at any timet

    A force F acts on a particle of mass m. The particle starts from rest at t=0. a) show that the instaneous power delivered by the force at any timet is (F^2/m)*t Please give some directions how to solve it . Thank you