Recent content by Haibara Ai

  1. H

    What is the significance of the Dirac equation in understanding antimatter?

    My friend sent me a picture of an equation that has something to do with antimatter. Can someone please tell me what the equation and everything in it means? Thank you very much!
  2. H

    Can Black Holes Decay and How Does This Affect Their Event Horizon? the URL above says that black holes can decay, but I don't understand, if the black hole sucks in an antiparticle and the particle gets ejected in the opposite direction, doesn't the event horizon of the black hole stay the same? How does it...
  3. H

    Explaining Aether & Difference between Higgs Field & Aether

    Can someone explain to me what Aether is? And what's the difference between the Higgs field and the aether? thanks
  4. H

    Can Atoms Produce Photons Through Electron Excitation?

    I know that 'When electrons get excited, they release photons to "un-excite".' So how can a atom 'produce' photons?
  5. H

    How can a atom generate photons ?

    Take a look at this Hope it helps
  6. H

    Can Bosons and Leptons Coexist in Same Space?

    Can bosons and leptons be in the same space at the same time? Bosons can with each other, but leptons can't... Thanks~~ ^_^
  7. H

    Photon & Antimatter: Annihilation & Neutron Questions

    If photons are their own antimatter, then why don't they just annihilate? Also, do neutrons have antimatter, or is it themselves?
  8. H

    Have You Accepted Death? Share Your Experience and Age

    I agree, I don't fear death, and I've nearly died before. Living and dying is the two nessesary things in your life. We've all experienced Living now, so when the time is right, why not just smile and say "I've already experienced Living, now it's time to experience the mysterious death"
  9. H

    How many square centimeters is a square meter?

    How many square centimeters is a square meter, and how many square meters a square kilometer? thanks