Recent content by guitar24

  1. G

    Nonlinear OD transform to linear ODE

    Some nonlinear, first order ODEs can be solved. I am supposed to find a change of variables such that the new ODE is variable separable and easily solvable.
  2. G

    Nonlinear OD transform to linear ODE

    Hello, I am confused as to how to transform nonlinear ODEs to linear ones by change of variables. Usually its pretty straight forward and I can do it, but this particular problem has me stumped and I don't know where to begin. Homework Equations Thank you guys!
  3. G

    Fouriers law of heat conduction.

    If I have the equation -k*dT/dr=0 do I get rid of the constant k and integrate, or do i integrate first and keep the constant?
  4. G

    Fluid mechanics problem involving a hose and water coming out.

    Thank you for your reply! could you elaborate a bit more on how I would do that? The total volumetric flow rate in the tube is Vavg*Area of the tube. Multiply by one and you get the volume of water entering the cross section in one second. Then i would just divide that by the area of the water...
  5. G

    Fluid mechanics problem involving a hose and water coming out.

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I am having some trouble starting this problem. At first look I would say that a conservation of mass will give V1*A1=V2*A2 for steady state incompressible fluid. Then I would solve for A2 and relate the two diameters but I don't have the velocity...
  6. G

    Viscous liquid between two circular discs.

    Yes but nvm that isn't correct. I am sure I have to integrate the change in pressure + Tau (zz) (normal stress, but this is 0 for any fluid solid interface) over the disc area. I see what you were saying in your initial comment and you were right. Thank you!
  7. G

    Viscous liquid between two circular discs.

    Thank you, I understand it a little better now and the velocity profile I got is the same. But that reference still doesn't mention anything about a force acting on the disc. Regarding to what I said earlier, can I integrate Tau(rz) over the area of the disc to find the force on the plate by the...
  8. G

    Viscous liquid between two circular discs.

    Thank you for your reply. So there is no way I can find the weight that can be supported without finding the pressure drop and doing part b first? I was thinking about integrating the stress Tau(rz) over the area of the top plate to find the force of the fluid on the solid. Would this be...
  9. G

    Viscous liquid between two circular discs.

    Homework Statement That is the problem statement. I can't seem to get started on part a. For part b I can find the velocity profile of the viscous liquid form the equations of motion relating velocity and change in pressure, find the avg velocity, and find the change in pressure from...