Recent content by genevievelily

  1. G

    Genetics: Dominant and Recessive Traits

    I feel like I should know the answer to this, but I don't. Here is my question: I understand that an individual has two copies of each gene, one maternal and one paternal. But if one is completely dominant over the other, will both gene copies be transcribed and translated, or only the one that...
  2. G

    Series: Convergent or Divergent?

    Homework Statement Is the following convergent or divergent? ln(2(n+1))-ln(2n) Homework Equations comparison test The Attempt at a Solution I put it into the form ln(1+(1/n)), but I don't understand what to use as Bn for the comparison test. (which is what wolfram alpha uses)
  3. G

    Electric AC Generator: Understand Magnetic Fields & Brushes

    Hi! I have been studying AC generators. I am confused about why there is no current when the armature is perpendicular to the magnetic field (when it is vertical). Also, what is the purpose of the brushes? Probably a really obvious answer, but it is confusing me. Any help would be...
  4. G

    When do you use q=mc(Tf-Ti) versus q=c(Tf-Ti) in thermochemistry calculations?

    Hello, I am currently studying intro to thermochemistry. I noticed in some problem solutions the equation q=mc(Tf-Ti) but in other the equation is q=c(Tf-Ti). How come sometimes the mass is not used in the equation? When do you know which one to use? Thanks!
  5. G

    Arctan Limit of Cos(x) and e^x without L'Hopital's Rule

    oh haha whoops definitely should have thought of that, thanks!
  6. G

    Arctan Limit of Cos(x) and e^x without L'Hopital's Rule

    Homework Statement lim x --> 0 (arctan(cosx))/(e^x) a) infinity, b) pi/2, c) pi/4, pi/4 d) -infinity, e) -pi/2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution You cannot use hospitals rule because its not indeterminate. e^x will approach 1, but I cannot figure out the...
  7. G

    How do I find horizontal asymptotes for a curve?

    ok I think I figured it out thanks!
  8. G

    How do I find horizontal asymptotes for a curve?

    I am confused with solving for horizontal asymptotes. I know you are supposed to find limits to positive and negative infinity. I am able to solve for positive infinity but how are you supposed to do it for negative infinity, since you are not actually plugging in a particular value. This...
  9. G

    Conservation of momentum mine car problem

    Homework Statement A mine car of mass 440kg rolls at a speed of 0.50m/s on a frictionless horizontal track. A chunk of coal of mass 150kg has a speed of 0.80m/s as it leaves a chute above the car. The angle of the chute is 25 degrees from the horizontal. After the coal has come to a rest in...
  10. G

    Optics: Thin Lenses - Determining Focal Length

    Homework Statement In the photo (which I cannot post now, but it is a magnifying glass, and a dollar bill) the images through the lens appears twice the size and it is at a distance of 3.0cm from the lens of the magnifying glass. Determine focal length. Homework Equations 1. -di/do=m...
  11. G

    Will the Spring Balance Reading Return to Original mg at Constant Velocity?

    ohhh so since constant velocity, the net force is zero, so they must balance out again right?
  12. G

    Will the Spring Balance Reading Return to Original mg at Constant Velocity?

    Homework Statement You are standing on a spring balance in an elevator. Draw a graph of scale balance reading VS time. At T0 you are at rest, accelerate upwards until T1 (where you reach constant speed) then decelerate from time T2 to T3. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution...
  13. G

    Simple Harmonic Motion Equilibrium

    yes that is what I meant, thanks!
  14. G

    Simple Harmonic Motion Equilibrium

    I am a little confused with this subject. If you have a mass hanging from a spring, there is a specific equilibrium point, but what if you apply a force downwards on the mass, will this have an effect on the equilibrium position or will it remain the same? thanks!