Recent content by gazebo_dude

  1. G

    Spin 3/2 fields & Rarita-Schwinger

    Hi all and merry christmas, I've been wondering about how to construct spin 3/2 reps of the Lorentz group. The way I've seen it done is with vector-spinors ala the Rarita-Schwinger equations: \psi_{a\mu}, \mu being a 4-vector index and a being a (bi)spinor index. Then a reduction is made by...
  2. G

    Time dependent annihilation op

    Disclaimer: My QFT is self-taught. Always willing to be corrected! Here's my understanding: Srednicki uses the creation operator defined in terms of the field operator: a^{\dag}(k) = -i \int d^3 x e^{ikx} \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial_0} \phi(x) The operators defined in this way only...
  3. G

    Calculating force to displace water

    Sorry, I don't think that's an easy problem. It is P=F/a, the hard part is figuring out what P is! The static case is pretty simple, but when the water is flowing past an object at ~25cm/s I don't know. It should be fairly straightforward to estimate the order of magnitude but if you want more...
  4. G

    Understanding Newton's Second Law: Force and Velocity Explained

    Force is not a property of an object. The bowling ball does not "have" force. Also the term "potential force" is very misleading. There is no such thing as a store of force inside an object which can be used up. If there were such a thing then how could an object sit on a table for an indefinite...
  5. G

    E=MC^2 and the creation of mass

    Probably the best way to think about E=mc^2 is that mass is a form of energy. For example, the mass of an electron is just the energy that an electron has that is not due to its motion or interaction with other objects. The total energy of an object is mass energy + energy of motion (kinetic...
  6. G

    Exploring Life on Titan & Beyond: Questions for Astrophysicists

    Welcome! Disclaimer: I am not an astrophysicist, or an astrobiologist, so my views are those of an (interested) amateur. I would gladly be corrected by an expert. 1) Well, on Earth life took ~4 billion years to reach its present state. A sample size of one is not good for extrapolation...
  7. G

    Exploring the Possibility of a Star Collision

    V838 Monocerotis is (as far as I know still) a candidate for a stellar collision between two main sequence stars, although the issue isn't settled. The major alternative theory is a planet + star collision. and HubbleSite have some spectacular...
  8. G

    Angular momemtum conservation and collision

    Rotational and translational kinetic energy are not separately conserved. Total energy is conserved. In the case of an elastic collision total kinetic energy is conserved: rotational + translational. Your problem, as stated, is underspecified. You have 4 variables in the final state: the...
  9. G

    Research in anomalous kinetics using fractional calculus

    Hi everyone, this is my first post on PF (yaay!). I hope this is in the right forum, if not I don't mind a mod moving this. I'm an undergrad physics student and one of my professors has hired me as a research worker over the summer break. Has anyone here done any work on fractional calculus...