Recent content by Fuzzykatecake

  1. F

    Predicting Acidity of PH3: Comparison to NH3 Dipole Moments

    Homework Statement Aluminum phosphide is hydrolysed by water to generate the highly toxic gas phosphine. NH3 is a polar molecule with a dipole moment of 1.47D while PH3 has a dipole moment of 0.58D. Predict whether PH3 is acidic neutral or basic. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution If...
  2. F

    Calculating Impulse Ratio for Colliding Molecules A and B

    But why for A is vcos20, what's the difference?
  3. F

    Ball Bearing Speed Calculation in Elevator

    Wait.. Are u saying that the ball rolls OUT of the elevator and is free falling and that's why the a is 9.81. But it still has the upward velocity of lift.. But how is it possible?
  4. F

    Calculating Impulse Ratio for Colliding Molecules A and B

    Isn't the velocity of B before collision vcos20. And velocity after is 0 since is stick to wall. Therefore the momentum is 0-mvcos20. But the correct answer is mv which I don't understand why
  5. F

    Calculating Impulse Ratio for Colliding Molecules A and B

    Two identical molecules A and B each of mass M travel with the same velocity towards a vertical wall at an angel 20 degrees with respect to the normal to the wall. A rebounds from the wall with the same speed while B sticks to the wall. Determine the ratio of the implus experience by A to that...
  6. F

    Ball Bearing Speed Calculation in Elevator

    An open elevator is moving with an upward velocity of 0.52ms-1 with an upward acceleration of 2.4ms-2. A ball bearing then rolls off the floor with zero horizontal speed. Determine the speeds of ball bearing and elevator 2s after the ball rolls off the floor. Using v=u+at, speed of ball bearing...