Recent content by Frostyscie

  1. Frostyscie

    Programs Which physics concentration should I declare for my degree?

    Yes, US LAC. Yes, it is quite easy to change concentrations within the department. I have seen some juniors change concentrations from physics (p) to either applied physics or physics (g) because they decided they want to go to med school or just work after undergrad instead, and vice versa to...
  2. Frostyscie

    Programs Which physics concentration should I declare for my degree?

    Yes, however, I am in a liberal arts and sciences college that does not offer a materials science and engineering concentration. If I am to do MSE, I would have to do the dual degree engineering option and do the second half of my program at the partner university (articulation agreement). I...
  3. Frostyscie

    Programs Which physics concentration should I declare for my degree?

    Additional 33 hours of chemistry. All physics concentrations will allow me to graduate as a double concentrator in 4 years by taking mostly 5 courses per semester (excluding summer) [6 courses for a term or two, if counting fitness (activity) class], without compromising my research time. For a...
  4. Frostyscie

    Programs Which physics concentration should I declare for my degree?

    Hello. I am a non-traditional undergrad, currently conducting materials and electrochemistry research (optics, photonics, semiconductors, energy storage). Before going to college (post-secondary), I had extensive experience in bioinformatics and biomolecular research. Although it is not yet the...