Recent content by FlufferNuterFSU

  1. F

    Frequency Dependence of Dielectric Strength

    Does anyone know what the relation between frequency and dielectric strength is? I'm mainly concerned with the dielectric strength of air in the High Frequency and Very High Frequency Ranges (3MHz - 300MHz). Thanks.
  2. F

    Help with stochastic processes

    From my extremely small and inadequate knowledge of stochastic processes (and Wikipedia): A stochastic process is a process in which some later state is determined by predictable actions and by a random element. Now the question: this "random element" is this meant to compensate for...
  3. F

    How Do You Simplify This Complex Absolute Value Expression?

    Homework Statement I need to simplify the expression below. The absolute value is throwing me off \left[\left|(\alpha + k)^{2}e^{-2i \alpha a} - (\alpha - k)^{2}e^{2i \alpha a}\right|\right]^{2} Homework Equations I know \left|e^{ix}\right| = 1 The Attempt at a Solution I...
  4. F

    What Is the Vacuum Level of a CRT TV?

    True, but you are much more entertaining than any search engine.
  5. F

    What Is the Vacuum Level of a CRT TV?

    Does anyone know what the vacuum level of a CRT television is? Thanks
  6. F

    Calculating Impedance for a Resonator: Tips and Strategies

    The function of the circuit is to have an oscillating electric field at C with a frequency such that it bunches passing particles in the most efficient way. There are three different frequencies involved in this circuit. If all three pieces of the circuit are tuned to resonance then the...
  7. F

    Calculating Impedance for a Resonator: Tips and Strategies

    No this is not a homework problem. I originally posted it in the Electrical Engineering section, but it was moved.
  8. F

    Calculating Impedance for a Resonator: Tips and Strategies

    First, I have added the RF input to the schematic attached below. L1, L2 and L3 are inductors with just a single loop and we have a function generator hooked up to this, so we can vary the waveform of the input. As you can tell I am new at this and I don't quite understand what you are...
  9. F

    Exploring Space: Is It Manifest Destiny?

    This FTL technology is obviously a far ways off, but what about technology that is available sooner rather than later. I am reading this interesting book about" in the 1950s where they were planning realistic and practical trips...
  10. F

    Calculating Impedance for a Resonator: Tips and Strategies

    Here is a schematic that I drew up on SPICE. I did not know how to put center taps on the inductors L2a and L2b, so I just had the wire continue into them. Also the RF inputs are not included. They would be in front of L1a, L2a, and L3a.
  11. F

    Exploring Space: Is It Manifest Destiny?

    I was having a discussion with one of my professors the other week about human exploration of space. He said that the only reason for continued manned exploration and settlements on other planets would be if we were to find signs of life on another planet like Mars. I disagree, I believe that...
  12. F

    Optimizing Inductor Center Tap Placement

    What determines where a center tap should be placed on an inductor or does it not matter?
  13. F

    Engineering Can a Physics Major Transition to Astronautical Engineering in Grad School?

    I am a physics major about to finish my undergrad (in a about a year) and have been thinking about fields that I would like to go into. One that strikes my fancy is astronautical engineering, however I have not taken any engineering classes. Is it possible to switch my field going into grad...