Recent content by FeelTheFire

  1. F

    Angular Motion Conceptual Question

    It worked! Eureka :approve: Thanks so much haruspex!
  2. F

    Angular Motion Conceptual Question

    Thanks for the reply. I don't know anything about the wheel so I can't calculate I. As for integrating time wrt ω, I'm having trouble applying this concept to the problem. Do I have to figure out time as a function of ω in order to complete that integral? And do the coefficients I have outside...
  3. F

    Angular Motion Conceptual Question

    Hey all, in physics right now I am learning about rigid body rotations about a fixed axis. One of the questions we had for homework goes like this: "The combination of a friction force and applied force produces a constant total torque of 36 N*m on a wheel rotating about a fixed axis. The...
  4. F

    Why do we use the work energy theorem in systems of energy and work problems?

    Thanks for the reply PhanthomJay, I appreciate it. Sorry I must not have been clear. I have heard the lecture and read the text on the ideas of energy and work, but I'm having a hard time understanding and applying the new concepts. In particular, I can't distinguish which problems would...
  5. F

    Why do we use the work energy theorem in systems of energy and work problems?

    Hey all, I was feeling confident with the idea of work when dealing with vectors and using the dot product to find the work. However, recently we have begun to discuss work while considering the object experiencing the force as part of a system. I'm having trouble transitioning into this idea...
  6. F

    Pulleys & Forces Homework: Struggling to Understand

    Thanks for the reply. I have drawn a FBD for both pullies and both masses. Attached is as far as I got with what they tell me. *Edit* The m2g in the lower right corner should read m1g. My mistake.Gneill, Thanks for the reply. The problem is I can't even get to that point. I only know that m2...
  7. F

    Pulleys & Forces Homework: Struggling to Understand

    Homework Statement Hey guys I'm really having problems understanding this despite looking at the solution, which is fully laid out here: I know that m2 moves twice the distance that m1 moves. I have tried looking at each rope as a...