Recent content by Eren10

  1. E

    MATLAB Matlab: String variables to fopen()

    problem solved, just use char() to make characters of path
  2. E

    MATLAB Matlab: String variables to fopen()

    HI can't I pass the path of a file as a string variable to fopen() , like this: path = 'aadada' fopen(path) I want to do create many files, the paths have a logic, so I can put them in cell array and than I want to pass them to fopen() , but fopen doesn't accept a string variable...
  3. E

    Analytic determination of Expectation, variance

    Thank you for your reply. I am reading now google book about elementary probability. For simple cases I have to show how they came to that relation and this will help me to understand the idea behind it better. Thank you for your reply. I made there a mistake. assume a function f(X,Y,X) , X,Y,Z...
  4. E

    Analytic determination of Expectation, variance

    Hi, I want to proof what the distribution will be when I apply a normal distributed x to a linear function y = a*x + b. What will be the mean and the variance of y ? The expectations can be calculated than with this formula ( probably with this formula what i want can be proofed with...
  5. E

    What is the Total Variation of a Function?

    Again, thank you. For me it is now clear. this picture makes it also very clear, from wikipedia, As the green ball travels on the graph of the given function, the length of the path traveled by that ball's projection on the y-axis, shown as a red ball, is the total variation of the function.
  6. E

    What is the Total Variation of a Function?

    Thank you for your reply. I had only used for the sin(pi*x) the function of the total variation( given in the picture, attached), because it is differentiable, for the other jumps I have used the same idea like you. Do you certainly know that I should take max, min points of the sinus function ?
  7. E

    Maintain a love affair while proceeding with the career

    Do not give up your relation for physics ( do it only if your battery is empty) :))
  8. E

    What is the Total Variation of a Function?

    hi, I have to calculate total variation of this function: 1 for x< 0 sin(pi * x) for 0<= x <= 3 2 for x> 3 I could not find any example for doing this. Can someone help me ?
  9. E

    PhD Physics Student Seeking Quant Advice

    I choosed Aerospace engineering because I considered to go back to Turkey ( from WestEurope) and thought that it would be easier to find a job. And because of the challenge fo this study and mine interest in the high technical things. I think if I choose to go further I will earn net start...
  10. E

    Should I get a astro/aero grad degree from Stanford?

    What was your other master ? You have to consider what you want to do with an aeronautics master , do you need the knowledge at your company.
  11. E

    Engineering Mech. Engineer Salary Question

    7 days working is not easy :) . Do you also have work experience of many years ?
  12. E

    PhD Physics Student Seeking Quant Advice

    Actually I like the involvement of the finance/economics to the society. I do not know if they earn a lot of money compared to the aerospace engineers. Now I am almost finished with mine study and if I really concentrate on mine work it is restful and challinging. But compared to what you get...
  13. E

    PhD Physics Student Seeking Quant Advice

    I am studying Aerospace Engineering and hope to finish my Master in 1 year. I have interest in economics since many years , for my study I was to plan to combine technology and economics. firstly i choosed a study that combines math & informatics & economics, but after few months changed to...
  14. E

    Looking for Quantitive Analyst

    What will be the salary ? ( curious ) maybe i will try to improve me to get a job like this, this kind things interests me :rolleyes:
  15. E

    How to Solve a First-Order Nonlinear PDE using the Method of Characteristics?

    Thank you for giving the answer. Mine mistake I had to tell, to solve this problem we had to use method of characteristics. I did it and found the same answer. so it is correct.