Recent content by Eraniamayomii

  1. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    I am almost reluctant to lower myself down to the level of responding to the above post. I do feel badly toward your ignorance regarding my post, so in regards to your poor feelings; I will. When saying lack of professionalism, I obviously do not mean every responder. I meant only the ones...
  2. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    This isn't a debate based on opinions or speculations. This thread is obviously of no use other then to entertain those of whom I haven't any interest in associating with. Mods, for the reason of lack of professionalism, I ask that this thread be closed. Thank you for your time...
  3. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    At least you have friends remotely interested in things relative to yours. My friends say "here we go again" when I attempt to explain anything scientific. The only people who I can really talk about with are when I write to my favorite authors, forums, or my father's friends, and even they...
  4. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    I didn't mean your punctual errors. That would be hypocritical of me to point out due to the fact that I haven't the best english skills. Your error is that I stated I would get my bachelors in Biology, Masters in Astro-biology, Minor in political science, and doctorates in Engineering. The...
  5. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    Dear TMFKAN64 To be terribly honest, I'm slightly hurt by your comments. Please make an attempt to understand before posting your opinions. I ask that you read over what it is I said, and attempt to find your error. If you still cannot, I will then explain it to you. I trust you have...
  6. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    My plan as of the moment leans toward getting a job when my father allows. This will help me pay for 2 years of community college. Post, I plan to attempt at a scholarship in ballet. If not, a grant. My major would have been biology. After I get my bachelors, I plan to apply to Ames...
  7. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    Dear Warren. It would be great fun to become a fashion designer, model, or even house wife. I realize that, as introverted as I am; I find great joy in kissing boys, slumber parties, and video games. I also realize that when neglected, my interest in science evaporates. I keep myself...
  8. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    Dear Warren Can we not agree that when stated; Alexander The Great's goal was far beyond reasonable conceivability? Napoleon? Hitler? Queen Elizabeth the 1st? Plato? Einstein? I'd say my "dream" is beyond conceivability, but not inconceivable. You are correct when you say take it step...
  9. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    Hello. Let me start by asking your forgiveness for my lack of grammatical skill. I know I need work in this subject. None-the-less, I'd like to ask a couple question concerning my dream. Please keep in mind that college is quite a ways off. I'd like to be prepared now though. Along with my...
  10. Eraniamayomii

    Can I Create a Self-Regulating Biosphere in My Room?

    Dear eNathan Yes. Though I'm a little scared, I will be going into 9th grade soon. Lol. Thank you for bringing up the gravity problem. I think that would definitely is an obstacle due to the fact that the biosphere would have to be prism shaped so that it can rotate around an axis to...
  11. Eraniamayomii

    Can I Create a Self-Regulating Biosphere in My Room?

    If you didn't know before; I would like to be an astrobiologist when I grow up. I plan to go to college for a degree in a fundamental science, and then apply to Ames University to pursue astrobiology. Due to this reason, I have been reading into astrobiology. I am currently through a book...
  12. Eraniamayomii

    Understand Angular Momentum - Help from a Teacher for Eraniamayomii

    This is the basic Wiki definition of angular momentum. I was wondering if someone "perhapse a teacher" could put this into words I understand. I know that this can be translated into a more understandable words. I firmly ask that you do not tell me to wait until I go to college to study this...
  13. Eraniamayomii

    Identifying a Bright Celestial Object in FL, USA - Eraniamayomii

    Ok. Just checked, and it's gone. There are clouds out now though, so I'm not sure if they just covered it up, or if it was a satalite and flew away... It's been about an hour since I last viewed it.
  14. Eraniamayomii

    Identifying a Bright Celestial Object in FL, USA - Eraniamayomii

    I have always been facinated with the stars. I have never been actually able to identify them though. I guess I hadn't much care considering they all look quite similar to the naked eye. Today I was outside looking at the stars, and though there were a number of stars out there, the house...