Recent content by enggM

  1. E

    Help in checking the solution of this separable equation

    @SammyS oh i see i remember now it should be u^-2+1 / -2 +1. @Mentallic ok thanks... thanks for all of your help in checking for the solution and answer to this problem helped me understand it much better.
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    Help in checking the solution of this separable equation

    sorry about the confusion because sometimes when i solve something like this in paper i sometimes leave out the parenthesis. so the final form would be y^3 = -3/x + 3 ln x + C? by the way how did it become a negative? just an additional question.
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    Help in checking the solution of this separable equation

    @Mark44 i would get (1+x / x^2 ) dx = y^2 dy so integrating the both sides y^3 / 3 = 1 / x + ln x so the final form would then be y^3 = 3/x + 3 ln x + C? no?
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    Help in checking the solution of this separable equation

    so the answer y^3 = 3x + 3 ln x + C should be correct? ok i get it now thanks for the time.
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    Help in checking the solution of this separable equation

    Oh sorry about that, what i intend to do is to integrate the entire expression. As it is the right hand side of the equation, no problem with y^2 dy but the right side looks a bit confusing. In the expression (1 + x) / x dx as was suggested is what i intend to integrate, so is this the right...
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    Help in checking the solution of this separable equation

    oh, so when i integrate [1+x / x] dx would it look like ∫1/x + ∫x dx? or something else?
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    Help in checking the solution of this separable equation

    Homework Statement It is just an evaluation problem which looks like this dx/dy = x^2 y^2 / 1+x Homework Equations dx/dy = x^2 y^2 / 1 + x The Attempt at a Solution What i did is cross multiply to get this equation y^2 dy = x^2 / 1+x dx then next line ∫y^2 dy = ∫x^2/1+x dx y^3/3 = ∫dx + ∫1/x...
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    Algebra Word Problem - practice problems

    oh thanks for all of your hints i finally solve it. i forgot the role of 25 there so the setting was let x = smaller then 25-x = the larger then set up the equation which is 2/3(x)=1/4(25-x)+2. Now to the next one :) 2]The denominator of a fraction exceeds its numerator by 5. If the numerator is...
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    Algebra Word Problem - practice problems

    so basically i might have switched the two numbers is that what you're implying? ohhh i see got to try it :)
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    Algebra Word Problem - practice problems

    ahh thank you very much well i'll try it.
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    Algebra Word Problem - practice problems

    Homework Statement The problem goes like this: The sum of 2 numbers is 25. If 2/3 of the smaller one is 2 more than 1/4 of the larger one, find the 2 numbers. Any hints on how to start off this one? What should I let x= be? When i attempted to solve this i let 2/3x = the smaller number and...
  12. E

    How to Solve Exponents that also has a variable with it

    i know right. I didn't quite get it but after some analysis though its easy.:) also I'm not referring to higher mathematics for this one, this was pure algebra under the laws of exponent. ah thanks for the help by the way.
  13. E

    How to Solve Exponents that also has a variable with it

    When one was reading some review books for engineering mathematics one has come across that kind of notation, below, and where to find books or materials that deals with these kinds of exponents, they look like this>> x^3x+2.
  14. E

    Seeking Discussion on Fluid Dynamics in Engineering Studies?

    hi. one is also new here in PF and one hopes that by joining this site that one could acquire and consolidate one's knowledge especially physics and math. oh one is currently taking up electronics engineering. thanks