Recent content by einie101

  1. E

    MHB Problem solving calculating area

    The answer is supposed to be 493.8 . . . if I take (200/3)2 = 66.67 * 66.67 = 4444.4 then divide this number by 9 I get the answer . . . I was not remembering this step . . . boy my math muscles are weak. The difficulty to add insult to injury is that over here in Asia the imperial system is...
  2. E

    MHB Problem solving calculating area

    I'm in Jakarta presently . .. is that using an International curriculum (i.e. Cambridge/Oxford etc.) or the National Indonesian Curriculum (I see you are in Indonesia).
  3. E

    MHB Problem solving calculating area

    In which grade level does one normally find this kind of equality question? I simply can't remember actually ever studying this kind of question type. Is there a name for this type of question i.e. equalities? I am still at a loss on how to calculate the 2nd question. Thank you again.
  4. E

    MHB Problem solving calculating area

    I help students a bit with their math. As a teacher I am over 35 years removed from Math so I am rusty. I had the following questions given to me by some students and I couldn't even remember. The students are required to show their work how to solve this problem.