Recent content by Ege_O

  1. Ege_O

    I Is it really superposition, or do we just not know its position?

    First of all, I should mention that the two options you provide are not the only understandings, so one does not have to accept any of them. For instance, in Copenhagen Interpretation, to talk about the position of a particle before the measurement is not meaningful. This is not saying that the...
  2. Ege_O

    Is Pursuing An Academic Carrer (in Mathematical Physics) Stressful?

    This is the exactly the way I've decided to follow. Nowadays I am looking for mathematical physics master in Europe but as a back up plan I want to develop in programming especially in data science and machine learning. Thanks a lot for your answer, it gave me courage to walk along this path.
  3. Ege_O

    Is Pursuing An Academic Carrer (in Mathematical Physics) Stressful?

    Hey everyone, I am a new member. This post is about something that bothers me a lot and will affect my future. I am not sure whether I'm pursuing a carrer that is right for me. I graduated from the physics department of Middle East Technical University in Turkey with 3.45/4.00 CGPA this year...
  4. Ege_O

    Is a Career in Academia the Right Choice for a Physics Graduate?

    I am a physics graduate from Middle East Technical University in Turkey with 3.45/4.00 CGPA. I've always wanted to be a theoretical/mathematical physicist since elementary school. I took String Theory, General Relativity, Particle Physics courses in my undergraduate years. However, many of...