Recent content by edo1493

  1. E

    I am studying orbitals at school. They are very interesting and

    Yeah, I know. I wasn't thinking about Rutherford's planetary model. The first orbital is like a sphere; in that sphere there are two electrons, why they shouldn't collide? I mean they have opposite charge, they should be able to get a great energy after the collision.
  2. E

    I am studying orbitals at school. They are very interesting and

    They will never collide, won't they ? I mean, they share the same orbital, but how can't they collide? There should be a possibility..
  3. E

    I am studying orbitals at school. They are very interesting and

    I am studying orbitals at school. They are very interesting and strange at the same time; they seem to be very similar to a planet in orbit around a black hole. However I am not here for that. I was wondering if you knew a good and short reference in order to understand E,Shrodinger's equation...
  4. E

    Build a Cathode Ray Tube - Experiment & Reference Guide

    I think that green is perfect. On the other hand I don't think that I will find a phosphor screen at the supermarket .:frown:
  5. E

    Build a Cathode Ray Tube - Experiment & Reference Guide

    I have talked about it at school with my chemistry teacher; she sad I could use many kinds of gas for the screen. I am still wondering Where I can find phosphor in a gas form. :P
  6. E

    Build a Cathode Ray Tube - Experiment & Reference Guide

    It could be an alternative, thanks! I don't think that glass is so comfortable.. What about the phosphor screen? I didn't understand how it works..
  7. E

    Build a Cathode Ray Tube - Experiment & Reference Guide

    The vacuum shouldn't be a problem, you need to buy a vacuum pump. I am afraid of the glass vail, If I want to take part in this project I will need a glass worker, cause it's not easy to find a perfect glass vail like the one in the video... I don't understand the anode and the cathode, are...
  8. E

    Build a Cathode Ray Tube - Experiment & Reference Guide

    Any advice? Is there anybody who has already tried this experiment?
  9. E

    Build a Cathode Ray Tube - Experiment & Reference Guide

    I would like to build a cathode ray tube like this one:". It would be pretty damn cool playing with electrons. Do you know any references about this experiment? I mean, How could I build a glass vail and are there standard measures?
  10. E

    Exploring the Legacy of the Atomic Bomb: Told Science

    "Told science" Hi guys! I am going to take part in a literature project, which is called "told science". You have to write a scientific eassy such as a story. For this year I was wondering to write down something about the atomic bomb. My idea was to write the best quotation on atomic bomb in...
  11. E

    What is the relationship between proton energy and temperature in the Sun?

    I thought that there was something solid, but this is a completely misunderstanding, cause the high temperature nothing could be in the solid form. .-. ?
  12. E

    What is the relationship between proton energy and temperature in the Sun?

    I thought it was an hot ball, formed by matter and gas.
  13. E

    What Formulas are Used to Put an Object into Orbit?

    Yes I know. I need to write a paper on it; do you know if there are some references abouth this physics area ? I also have to find a way to keep in orbit the object.