Recent content by Dauden

  1. D

    Exploring a Career in Metrology: Academic Paths & Opportunities

    Metrology - Science of Measurement
  2. D

    Exploring a Career in Metrology: Academic Paths & Opportunities

    After looking at the measuring instruments in the lab I'm working in, it got me thinking about how they actually work and how precise they can possibly be. I'm currently a undergrad in Physics which seems to be a relatively good place to be if I wanted to do some kind of metrology. I just have...
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    Programs Looking for Guidance: Physics Major-Math Minor

    Going into Aerospace from Physics is definitely possible but that does not mean it's going to be easy. It seems like you want to have a career in Aerospace Engineering and are just interested in Physics. You can have Physics as a hobby without taking classes for it. Having it as a hobby while...
  4. D

    Programs Looking for Guidance: Physics Major-Math Minor

    For schools that don't have an Aerospace program, the common thing to do is go into Mechanical Engineering. It's MUCH easier to get into an Aerospace graduate program coming from Mechanical rather than Physics.
  5. D

    What's a good field to combine with molecular biology and biochemistry?

    Biophysics is fantastic for what you're looking for I think. From the wiki page: "Molecular biophysics typically addresses biological questions that are similar to those in biochemistry and molecular biology, but the questions are approached quantitatively. Scientists in this field conduct...
  6. D

    Humor Books: Intro to Theory, Psychology, Philosophical Perspectives

    Is anyone aware of a book that tackles humor as a subject? The best one I could find is humor's role in forming persuasive arguments (,3110,0321434900,00.html). I'm just looking for one that might tackle it on a philosophical...
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    Physics undergrad to Optics grad

    I was wondering if there was any particular difficulty in going from a Physics undergraduate program to graduate program in Optics/Photonics. Let's say to an Optics college such as the one at UCF ( I still have my upper level Physics classes to take so is there any...
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    Programs Precisely What Is It That I should Be Majoring In?

    Some schools have a Mathematical Physics major and some don't. If two schools both have Mathematical Physics, the details of the program will most likely differ. Definitely look into different colleges that you're interested into see their program. You should be able to get an idea of what...
  9. D

    Is Engineering a Viable Option for Grad School After a B.S. in Math and Physics?

    Congratulations! Hope to be in your shoes soon, except as majoring in Physics.:-p Great GPA, best of luck to you!
  10. D

    Need Some Sage Advice for a 6-year physics undergrad

    You're almost in the exact situation as me. For Intro to Diff Eq, that's a required class for most programs so I would double check if you have to take it. If you do, you might as well take it over the summer as it will most certainly help, if not required, for E+M. Teaching yourself one of...
  11. D

    Linear Algebra What does it mean?

    What jgens said is really the only thing you can do. In order to improve yourself intellectually, you have to push your brain beyond it's limits. Right now, you've hit an "exam burn out" limit. In order to make your brain able to handle this situation in the future, try to push through it now as...
  12. D

    Conceptual Question About Simple Motion

    This situation is very different depending on whether or not you want to take into account air drag. I suggest viewing this without drag. If you dropped the object off the cliff, what force(s) would be affecting it during its flight? If you threw the object off the cliff, what force(s)...
  13. D

    Lifting yourself up while seated

    Yes that explanation does work in that situation. You lift the other person up while pushing yourself down thus "pulling apart" the connection between you and the other person. Study of Newton's Third Law of Motion is extremely valuable in understanding this topic.
  14. D

    EReader Tablet for Science/Math books?

    I was thinking about getting the Kindle or some other eReader. Does anyone know how it handles displaying pictures, charts, graphs, equations, and such? I would definitely be getting mathematics books and the like. If it's not able to handle it, I'll just stick with good ole fashion paper books.
  15. D

    So I enjoy learning about Everything

    I'm currently a Mechanical Engineering student and I'm thinking about switching to Engineering Physics because it seems to be much more general so you learn about a wider variety of subjects. Ultimately I would like to do research for the space industry and space science. The point of this...