Recent content by dannyboy4

  1. D

    Schools Taking First-year University Physics w/o Grade 12 Algebra?

    Thanks for the input, everyone. I took a look at the course offerings, and I should be able to get away with taking calculus this fall and winter and take first year physics next year. The way the courses are, I am able to fulfil a minor in two years of study (most take about 3 years to do). :)
  2. D

    Schools Taking First-year University Physics w/o Grade 12 Algebra?

    Hey everyone, I'm a philosophy major hoping to pick up physics as a minor. However, I do not have the grade 12 maths from high school (I goofed off a lot :)). I was wondering if first-year university physics is doable without the knowledge of the algebraic equations and applications? I...
  3. D

    Engineering Nuclear Engineering Career Options

    Hey everyone, I'm currently going into my second year of psychology, and I was thinking about picking up the first year physics and calculus courses to take a double major in psych and physics. Anyways, my end goal will likely have something to do with space or nuclear fusion (admittedly...