Recent content by danielle

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    Programs Minor in computer science w/ a Physics major?

    I'm working on a physics major but have been thinking of doing a minor in cs or maybe stats? Would either of these be beneficial or would one be more useful than the other?
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    Programs Programming courses useful for physics majors?

    the phys dept only requires me to take c++, but i wanted to see what else would be useful in the long run, even the ones that aren't required. Thanks for the reply anyways!
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    Programs Programming courses useful for physics majors?

    I'm a physics undergrad and was wondering which programming classes are most useful/beneficial; python, linux, c++, java, etc...
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    Engineering Physics bachelors to Engineering masters

    Great info, thanks a lot! I'm in a junior college right now but will be transferring soon, so I have time to fill up my electives once i transfer
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    Engineering Physics bachelors to Engineering masters

    OP is a she, just fyi lol. 'nyways, mechanical eng is what I've been considering, but that can of course change. Nothing too definite as of yet, just trying to see what options i have after finishing my bachelor's..
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    Engineering Physics bachelors to Engineering masters

    Can one do a physics bachelor's degree and carry on to pursue a master's in engineering? I was wondering if this would be a feasible and practical route.. I understand that I'd probably have to take a couple of extra engineering classes here and there but was thinking it probably wouldn't be...
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    Courses Can 18 units be manageable and if so what are some tips

    I'm going to be taking 18 units in the fall. Classes are linear algebra, advanced calculus, statistics, and computer programming (c++). I usually work a lot but this time I've been thinking of talking to work and only working short hours on weekends, maybe 4 hours each for friday, saturday, and...
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    What are some recommended textbooks for undergraduate physics students?

    New member here. I switched from a biology major to a physics one last year and have never looked back. Classes are definitely harder but I enjoy them more and am more interested. That said I'm always looking for new textbooks that are useful for physics undergrads. Any suggestions? P.s. I...