Recent content by cupid.callin

  1. C

    Veritasium - Firing bullet in block - along center and away from cente

    I know that momentum will be conserved and this in both cases linear momentum will be same after and before the collision, But I am having second thoughts about this idea, is linear momentum conserved even if angular momentum is present? I mean, suppose that energy L is lost due to inelastic...
  2. C

    Veritasium - Firing bullet in block - along center and away from cente

    This question is about this video on YouTube, in which a bullet is fired vertically into the center of a wooden block from below, sending the block up into the air. Next, a bullet is fired vertically but off-center into a similar block from below, again causing the block to rise into the air...
  3. C

    How Standing Posture Affects Comfort on a Bumpy Bus Ride

    You do know that this thread was last active about 2 years ago, right?
  4. C

    Gauss' law and conducting spheres

    No the charges inside the shell cannot influence the field outside. You can understand this inside shell, both +q and -q exist. So field due to these 2 charges at any point gets cancelled. Also, any new charge when introduced outside the shell also cannot change the field inside the shell. This...
  5. C

    Gauss' law and conducting spheres

    Well your solution appears to be correct. Remember that for outside sphere r > R2 and for inside r < R1. And also R2 > R1 So any field you find at any point inside will be greater than field outside (by the sphere alone).
  6. C

    Simple tension problem, I can't seem to understand it

    I hope this is what we are talking about ... Whats your progress till now?
  7. C

    Calculate the equivalent capacitance of the circuit

    How the wire goes or even how log the wire is doesn't matter. Wires (theoretically) are considered to be of zero resistance. Also, to identify if the components are in series or parallel, look at the potential drop and current through then, if poential drop across two components (here C34 and...
  8. C

    Integrating for area under a curve.

    Yes it will give the area above x-axis as positive and below one as negative. This is because for limit -1 to 0, f(x) is negative EDIT: Just like sammys said ... :-P
  9. C

    Integrating for area under a curve.

    for integral g(x) dx, dx is width of elementary strip and g(x) is its y coordinate or height above x axis. Integrating this will give you only area b/w g(x) and x axis. Doing same for f(x)dx first integral, we can divide it into 3 parts, -1.5 to -1, -1 to 0, 0 to 1 The -1.5 to -1 and 0 to 1...
  10. C

    Change in Velocity Homework: Solving the Vector Difference

    yes NE means 45 angle with both north and east direction,
  11. C

    How Do You Calculate Distance and Direction Using Vector Coordinates?

    Hi geoff18 ... So now you have found all the three points as shown above. Now you can find the Vectors BA and CB as i told you before But what I am not sure is how you are supposed to proceed now ... There are two (common) ways to proceed now, I. Find BA, CB and then find BA using vector...
  12. C

    How does a thin sheet of aluminum impact capacitance in a circuit?

    That way you can find net capacitance and then compare the new and prevoius capacitances. PS: forgot to mention this before, you can assume plate area as A and distance as d New plate are after inserting plate will be (?) and the distance between plates of 2 new formed capacitors will be (?)
  13. C

    How Do You Calculate Distance and Direction Using Vector Coordinates?

    Assume the starting position of car as origin. You can plot the coordinates of two points that are being talked about in ques. ( first where car changes direction and second where car is finally. The vector between any two points A(a,b) and B(c,d) is given as, Vec(BA) = (c-a)i + (d-b)j Find...
  14. C

    How does a thin sheet of aluminum impact capacitance in a circuit?

    Look it at like this, plates of capacitor are metallic (generally) and you also introduced a metallic plate, So you can assume 2 sides of introduced plate as two individual plates connected with a wire. So you get 2 series capacitors ...
  15. C

    Rolling without slipping - too many equations

    What, according to you, would happen if someone rotates the wheel clockwise and A) there is no friction B) there is friction. In this case what will be direction of friction?