Recent content by cripkd

  1. C

    Gravity & Speed of Light: Exploring Instantaneous Communication

    and here i was thinking that I was born too soon :) After all we're all born in the same century as all the great discoveries, meaning electric current, internal combustion (ok, ok it was the 1800's but it's been put to use later), computers. But yes, it's a point, we're here to see at least...
  2. C

    Einstein's Space-Time Continuum: Is Time a 4th Dimension?

    You know how when you have a circle and you take a straight line perpendicular on the circle, in it's center, and sliding the circle along the line produces a cilinder? Well this is how i see time, it generates the 4 - dimensional universe, with the 3 spatial dimension sliding in one direction...
  3. C

    Einstein's Space-Time Continuum: Is Time a 4th Dimension?

    Ok, then what is time physically ? :) I know this is an OLD question, and I'm asking it rethoricaly. Could someone point me to some resources on what time is, other than specutlations, at least what modern physics considers it to be , today :)
  4. C

    Is Quantum Determinism Challenged by Contextuality and Non-Locality?

    Could someone explain this a bit more plainly? I guess i know what locality is, what entanglement is, but i don't understand the meaning of that phrase. And could someone explain also what really is the EPR paradox and why isn't it really a paradox? Thanks in advance.
  5. C

    Einstein's Space-Time Continuum: Is Time a 4th Dimension?

    Did Einstein meant by space-time continuous that time is just another dimension, like the other 3? If so, why are we experiencing this one that differently? (Should this have gone in the phylosophy section?)
  6. C

    Is Quantum Determinism Challenged by Contextuality and Non-Locality?

    LOL ! Well, it's my fault for coming here and asking this questions, because, no offense Loren , I can't get most of what you're traing to say :). I hope I'm not offending anyone by saing this. SelfAdjoint, but as far as what i understood from the debate around the EPR paradox , the spin of...
  7. C

    Is Quantum Determinism Challenged by Contextuality and Non-Locality?

    I'm not a physicist, but I like these things. Have question though. After a long talk with a friend,I'm having a hard time understanding why the universe isn't deterministic. So i spent the last 3 hours reading on hawking seminars and other stuff and i think got a question who'se answer will...
  8. C

    Gravity & Speed of Light: Exploring Instantaneous Communication

    :) Sorry, I'm not a physicist and since posting this question i already found the statement that gravity isn't traveling faster than the speed of light.
  9. C

    Gravity & Speed of Light: Exploring Instantaneous Communication

    It's known that information about an event cannot travel faster than the speed of light. On the other hand modifications in the intensity of the magnetic force between 2 magnets or the gravity pull between any 2 objects is transmited instantaneously. How is that possible and why can't we use...