Recent content by circulos meos

  1. circulos meos

    Attempting to transfer to MIT (wishful thinking I know)

    Their transfer requirements are pretty obvious. They would want over a 3.5 with various calc and physics courses. I wasn't attempting to bank on the physics major aspect entirely, I just figured I'd ask if it'd help a bit.
  2. circulos meos

    Attempting to transfer to MIT (wishful thinking I know)

    Damn. Well I figured that most transfer students would fall into the engineering categories and that maybe a physics major would be more rare. Either way, I suppose that was worth a shot.
  3. circulos meos

    Attempting to transfer to MIT (wishful thinking I know)

    Hello, For a while now, I've been dreaming of attending MIT. My question is: What would the sucessful transfer application of a physics major look like? -would I have a better chance of acceptance based on the fact that physics is less common that say engineering? -does high school stuff...
  4. circulos meos

    BS Physics + BS Math or BS Physics + BS E Eng?

    (Edit) also, I am putting this thread in the career guidence section because this question is more focused on the employability consequences of the decision rather than an acedemic question Hello, I'm heading into my second semester of my physics degree with the intention of doing a math major...
  5. circulos meos

    Schools Does Honors status impact admissions for grad school?

    That definitely makes sense. I'm going to check out the requirements again, but I do believe there aren't high level honors physics courses. I believe there is a high level honors research project course, but that should be all. Like I said, it really wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for them...
  6. circulos meos

    Schools Does Honors status impact admissions for grad school?

    I was just researching it on my school's website and I found that there is another program called the scholars program that appears to have a lot of relatively dumb seminars and extra projects to fulfill, but these obligations would probably make an application to a grad school look much more...
  7. circulos meos

    Schools Does Honors status impact admissions for grad school?

    So I am in my first year of my physics degree at a school that isn't really known for its physics program, (I don't believe it is ranked at all, not that that is a huge deal) and at least right now I am very interested in pursuing a ph.d degree. I had originally intended to do an engineering...
  8. circulos meos

    Paying for school (Physics scholarships)

    Hello, I'm a first year student in pursuit of a physics degree and I'm just beginning to learn the hardships of paying out of pocket for college (and my school is relatively cheap, only about $9,000 a year before student loans.) But basically, I'm paying about $650 a month out of pocket by...