Recent content by chroncile

  1. C

    How would the electric field look like for an electron gun?

    Homework Statement Sketch to illustrate the device and the role of the electric field for - an electron gun Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution
  2. C

    Two Physics problems related to gravitational energy

    But I didn't even get the right answer in question 1.
  3. C

    Two Physics problems related to gravitational energy

    Homework Statement 1.) How fast must a rocket leave the Earth’s surface to reach a maximum height of 895 km above the surface of the Earth (assume the rocket is simply going straight up)? The answer is 3920 m/s 2.) How fast must a rocket leave the Earth’s surface to reach an orbit with...
  4. C

    Universal Gravitation Practice

    Homework Statement What force does Earth exert on a 80.0-kg astronaut at an altitude equivalent to 2.5 times Earth's radius? Homework Equations FG = (Gm1m2) / r2 Radius of Earth: 6370 km Mass of Earth: 5.97x1024 kg The Attempt at a Solution FG = (Gm1m2) / r2 FG = (G x MEarth x 80...
  5. C

    Centripetal force in vertical circles

    Homework Statement You have been asked to design a roller coaster track with a circular vertical loop in it. The loop is to have a radius of 10.0 m. How fast would the roller coaster have to be traveling so that at the bottom of the loop, the passengers will feel as if the seats are pressing...
  6. C

    Newton's 2nd Law Question (2-Dimensions)

    Homework Statement A proud homeowner is out mowing their lawn. If the force of friction on the mower is 50.0 N and it is accelerating forward at 0.15 m/s2, what is the magnitude of the applied force if the owner is pushing on the handle of the mower at an angle of 70 below the horizontal...
  7. C

    2-Dimensional Projectile Motion question

    Homework Statement A skydiver's parachute has malfunctioned and she is falling at a constant speed of 20 m/s straight down. Fortunately there is an airbag directly below her. Unfortunately, it is not inflated. The switch to inflate the airbag is 30 m to the east of the airbag. If she can throw...
  8. C

    Lab for finding acceleartion vectors for circular motion

    Homework Statement I am trying to draw a change in velocity vector connecting from V1 to -V0, but I can't seem to figure it out. How do I show you guys what my problem is? Homework Equations N / A The Attempt at a Solution Googled for help
  9. C

    How Do You Calculate the Average Acceleration of a Sailboat Changing Direction?

    Homework Statement If a sailboat is heading East at 18 m/s and it makes a turn until it is heading 50oNof E at 16 m/s, and the turn takes 2.5 minutes, what is the average acceleration of the boat in m/s2 Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I drew the vectors of 16...
  10. C

    Mass vs. Period: Should I Convert Grams to Kg?

    I need help again, the equation I found was T = 1.12 * x^0.5 Do I write it as T = 1.12 * x^0.5 or T = 1.12 * sqrt0.5
  11. C

    Mass vs. Period: Should I Convert Grams to Kg?

    Thank you so much :smile: ..Wait a minute "I know one thing - that I know no thing.". What?
  12. C

    Mass vs. Period: Should I Convert Grams to Kg?

    A spring-mass system. The equation is T = km^0.5 where k is a constant. The value of k differs if the mass is in grams or kilograms. That's why I need to know what to put mass as so that I get the right answer.
  13. C

    Mass vs. Period: Should I Convert Grams to Kg?

    Okay, that doesn't answer my question though; I was asking if it's necessary to convert the mass from (g) to (kg) for the data in the lab report.
  14. C

    Mass vs. Period: Should I Convert Grams to Kg?

    Homework Statement I did an experiment of mass vs. period and I got the mass in (g)rams and the period in seconds. My question is, do I have to convert the mass from grams to kilograms? Homework Equations N / A The Attempt at a Solution N / A