Recent content by chinye11

  1. C

    Linear subspace constraints and notation.

    I want to try a different approach here since I am having difficulty expressing my problem. Take the set of all real numbers in 1 dimension, i.e. R. Now say I add the value i to the set and name it Ri. Is this new set Ri a subspace of R? In other words is it a requirement must a subspace...
  2. C

    Log. functions - comparing solutions, which is best?

    The other 2 posts are correct: Your solution 1 uses logx(xn) Your solution 2 uses (logx(x))n An easy way to avoid this is to use brackets whenever applying a function:
  3. C

    Linear subspace constraints and notation.

    Thank you, Regarding the subset not subspace point. I am not sure about this since all the definition I can find for subspace say "given a subset V of a vector space W", albeit maybe with different letters, " V is a subspace of W if: 0 ε V if vectors {x,y} are in V then x + y is also in V if...
  4. C

    Linear subspace constraints and notation.

    Homework Statement The original printed problems can be found as attachments. The questions ask if a set S is a subset Rn. Give Reasons Question 1.) S is the set of all vectors [x1,x2] such that x12 + x22 < 36Question 2.) S is the set of all vectors [x1,x2,x3] such that: x2= 2x1 x3 = 3x1...
  5. C

    Express Laplace Transform of y(t) in given form.

    OK, Thanks very much, I realized that I had applied the shifting theorem to an equation of the form: y(t) (H(t-a)) when y(t-a) (H(t-a)) is required This dropped a H(t-1) term which was the missing term.
  6. C

    Express Laplace Transform of y(t) in given form.

    Homework Statement y(t) solves the following IVP y''(t) + 2y'(t) + 10y(t) = r(t) y(0) = 2 y'(0) = 3 r(t) = 0 if t < 0 t if 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 0 if t > 1 Demonstrate that the laplace transform of y(t) is Y(s) = \frac{2s+7}{s^{2}+2s+7} + \frac{e^{-s}}{s(s^{2}+2s+7)} +...
  7. C

    Boundaries of a triple integral

    yeah sorry that was a typo, so if I integrate through z then y then x, should i get the result of 1/6, I'm new to this and have no way to check the answer.
  8. C

    Boundaries of a triple integral

    Homework Statement Let D = { (x,y,z) } such that x^2 + y^2 < 1 and -1 < z < 1 } denote the interior of a cylinder. Compute the triple integral of ( xyz dxdydz ) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ok so it seems to me that the boundaries should be as follows, -1< x...
  9. C

    Help with Conversion of Logistic Map to Complex Quadratic Form

    no i had a miscalculation in one of my calculations the correct answer is I believe - 2.64 and my mathematica code is plotting it however I have to zoom into see the Julia set, it corresponds to a piece of the thinned out part of the mandelbrot set seen on the left of it as you said. While I...
  10. C

    Help with Conversion of Logistic Map to Complex Quadratic Form

    Help with Complex quadratic forms Homework Statement The question is to plot the julia set of the logistic map f [x] = 4.4x(1-x). I know how to plot the graph of z^2 + c for any given c using mathematica and I'm pretty sure its possible to convert any logistic map to the form z^2 + c but i...
  11. C

    Conventional Operators in Group Theory Homework

    Z/14 is not a group under multiplication because not every element has an inverse, my bad didn't check it.
  12. C

    Conventional Operators in Group Theory Homework

    Homework Statement I've just started to study group theory, and i keep encountering questions where no operators are specified so i was wondering if there was a conventional operator that was meant to be used. For instance I had a question to prove that a cyclic group of order 14 is isomorphic...
  13. C

    Relation which is reflexive only and not transitive or symmetric.

    To answer JonF: ({x,x},{y,y}{z,z}) is an equivalence relation. As stated above: For a set to be not to be symmetric we must have (x,y) but not (y,x) For a set to be not to be transitive we must have we must have (x,y) and (y,z) but not (x,z). so my set must have [{x,x},{x,y}{y,y}{y,z}{z,z}]
  14. C

    Relation which is reflexive only and not transitive or symmetric.

    For a set to be not to be symmetric we must have (x,y) but not (y,x) For a set to be not to be transitive we must have we must have (x,y) and (y,z) but not (x,z). So far we have a set which requires ({x,x},{y,y}{z,z},{x,y}{y,z}) but must not have {(y,x),(x,z)} Am i right in saying that (z,y)...