Recent content by cbor0023

  1. C

    Blind hole or through hole, which is better?

    Hi, I had to build an apparatus where I had to join two plates by bolts. I used through holes. Is there any reason why through holes would be better than blind holes? I have an interview and might be asked such question:/
  2. C

    Bisectrix of the rectangular coordinate system

    what does this mean please: bisectrix of the rectangular coordinate system
  3. C

    Proof Stress Calculation with Excel 2007: Manual or Automated?

    yes! thanks:) will try it soon:)
  4. C

    Proof Stress Calculation with Excel 2007: Manual or Automated?

    using excel 2007, can the construction to determine the proof stress of a material not be done manually? if so, how?
  5. C

    Are mineral wool and rock wool ceramics? 10x in advance

    Are mineral wool and rock wool ceramics?! 10x in advance
  6. C

    Hi all,I'm a beginner in FEA and got a problem regarding nodes.

    Hi all, I'm a beginner in FEA and got a problem regarding nodes. Can you split a line into a number of nodes using APDL script? Then a force should be applied as these nodes using F. The line is and arc. Thanks in advance Chri