Recent content by cahill8

  1. C

    Degrees of Freedom Help: Comparing Fits to Data with Unknown X Values

    I'm trying to compare fits to data in a certain way. I start with the initial data and fit and compute the \chi^2 value for example: x: 1 2 3 4 y: 2.1 3.9 6.0 10.1 I get the linear fit, \chi^2 value and degrees of freedom=3. Now with what I'm working with, I don't actually know the...
  2. C

    Average value of sin(i) in radial velocities (exoplanets)

    When a stars radial velocity is measured in search for a planet, the planet imparts a radial velocity shift proportional to m\sin i\text{ where }i is the orbital inclination of the planet with respect to our line of sight and m is the planet mass. I've heard that even though the inclinations are...
  3. C

    Simple error analysis for probabilities

    I'm dealing with a histogram and want to use poisson errors for each bin. For example, having 7 items in a bin gives that bin an error of sqrt(7). I'm comparing four different data sets, each with different sizes. I'm scaling everything in terms of probabilities so the four data sets can be...
  4. C

    Maxwellian Distribution of Velocities

    Well another part of the question says the mean of one component of velocity, \bar{v_x^2} = \sigma^2 could I simply continue and say \bar{v_x^2}=\beta\int^\infty_0 v_x^2\hspace{2pt} exp\left[-(\sqrt{v_x^2+v_y^2+v_z^2})^2/2\sigma^2\right] dv= \beta\int^\infty_0 v_x^2\hspace{2pt}...
  5. C

    Maxwellian Distribution of Velocities

    Thanks for the reply. That is the answer given (from the textbook galaxy dynamics, problem 4.18) Your right those answers were wrong, I calculated them using mathematica when writing this topic but inputted the equation wrong. The first can be done by making a u substitution...
  6. C

    Maxwellian Distribution of Velocities

    Homework Statement A group of stars in a Maxwellian distribution have a one-dimensional velocity dispersion \sigma. The number of objects within an element d^3v is dN=F(v) d^3 v=\beta\hspace{2pt}Exp[-v^2/2 \sigma^2]d^3v where \beta is a constant Find that the mean speed...
  7. C

    Stuck on Last Step of an Integral: Need Help

    Homework Statement I'm at the last step of an integral but can't seem to get the right answer. Homework Equations After many substitutions I finally have \int^1_0 arctan(w)dw which from wiki is a standard integral, =[w \text{ arctan}(w)-1/2 \text{ ln}|1+w^2|]^1_0 The Attempt at a...
  8. C

    Trying to solve a second order ODE

    Homework Statement I'm trying to solve a second order ODE for y(x) to show that the solution is y(x)=sin(x)/x. We've been told to use the substitution y(x)=h(x)/x. I've got to the stage of solving for h(x), arriving at h''(x)=-x. Using the general solution, h(x)=A sin(x) + B cos(x) and...
  9. C

    Solving for d in Bragg's Law | Quick Question

    Homework Statement I am inquiring about Braggs Law 2 d\sin\theta = n\lambda . The question I'm working on gives me the first four Bragg angles (\theta values) and I have also calculated the wavelength of the light. I want to solve for d but I am unsure what value to use. Homework Equations...
  10. C

    What Is the Correct Transmittance Function for Two Infinitely Narrow Slits?

    I figured out the case when the slit has some width: T(x,y)=rect\left(\frac{x}{L}\right) \left[rect\left(\frac{y+d}{t}\right)+rect\left(\frac{y-d}{t}\right)\right] where t is the thickness. However I'm looking for the case where t is "infinitely narrow" What I want is to replace...
  11. C

    What Is the Correct Transmittance Function for Two Infinitely Narrow Slits?

    Homework Statement I have to find the transmittance function T(x,y) of two narrow slits of length L and separated by a distance 2d.Homework Equations [PLAIN] This is what I'm talking about. In my case the x-axis runs in...
  12. C

    Creation/Annihilation operator help

    Homework Statement I'm trying to go through something shown in a lecture and the part I'm stuck on is shown here. \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\int^t_0 \mbox{du }e^{i \omega(t-u)}\hat{b}(u)=\hat{b}(t) \hat{b}(u) is an annihilation operator The Attempt at a Solution Can someone explain how this...
  13. C

    Simplifying the Step Function Product: Exploring u(t-2)u(t-a)

    Homework Statement I need this to answer a question, its not a homework question itself. Can this be simplified? u(t-2)u(t-a) where u is the unit step function. Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution I know the answer is u(t-2) if a <= 2, u(t-a) otherwise. But is there a...
  14. C

    What is there actually to say of wormholes at the moment?

    A photon can spontaneously produce an electron-positron pair (see pair production)
  15. C

    Are the planets where we belive these to be

    You can walk outside and point to a planet in the sky. Are you saying the planet isn't exactly there or are you talking about mathematical predictions being wrong?