Recent content by C. C.

  1. C

    Index of Refraction Measurement Uncertainty

    Hi Andy, The uncertainty is brought about from the mismatched IOR and the curvature of my model. Because both of these issues, my measuring volume is slightly altered and affects my near wall measurements. If you need some further information, I can go into more detail. Thanks for your time.
  2. C

    Index of Refraction Measurement Uncertainty

    Hello All, I am having some issues with calculating the measurement uncertainty when there is a mismatch in the index of refraction between a fluid and an interface. If am using an unobtrusive measurement technique such as Laser Doppler Velocimetry, how would I be able to quantify the...
  3. C

    IOR Uncertainty Quantification for PIV/LDV Measurements

    Hello All, I am running some experiments using Particle Image Velocimetry and Laser Doppler Velocimetry techniques. There is a slight mismatch in the Refractive Index of the fluid and my model (Approximately 5% difference) which is creating some uncertainty in my measurements. I was wondering...
  4. C

    Light Refraction on the Surface of a Sphere

    Thanks for the link. You are absolutely correct that the first law is neglected when Snell's Law is taught. Since a new plane is formed from the surface normal and an incident ray, how would I go about tracing the refracted ray? Using Snell's Law, I can find the refracted ray on the new...
  5. C

    Light Refraction on the Surface of a Sphere

    Hello All, Using Snell's Law, it is pretty obvious how to calculate the angle of refraction when both index of refractions are known. My question is how would I apply this to a 3 dimensional situation, such as light refraction in a sphere? Since there are two angles in relation to the normal...
  6. C

    Divergence Operator on the Incompressible N-S Equation

    Hello All, If I apply the Divergence Operator on the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, I get this equation: $$\nabla ^2P = -\rho \nabla \cdot \left [ V \cdot \nabla V \right ]$$ In 2D cartesian coordinates (x and y), I am supposed to get: $$\nabla ^2P = -\rho \left[ \left( \frac...
  7. C

    Index of Refraction Through a Cylindrical Tube

    Thanks, I think I correctly solved the value of the angle. I calculated AC then calculated the angle OCA. I was then able to figure it out. Appreciate the help.
  8. C

    Index of Refraction Through a Cylindrical Tube

    Thanks for the response. Given that the difference between r1 and r2 cannot be ignored, I get that the slope of line AC is the tan(θ1-θ2) [Taking point A as the origin]. The problem I run into is how would I determine the length of AC, or would that even matter?
  9. C

    Index of Refraction Through a Cylindrical Tube

    Hello All, I would like to start learning how to ray trace but the tracing through a tube with a thickness of t has got me stumped. If I have an n1 (outside tube), n2 (Tube), and n3 (inside tube). n1≠n2≠n3. Knowing Θ1 (the angle of incidence in relation to the normal), I can calculate Θ2 from...