Recent content by C.Braestrup

  1. C.Braestrup

    Simple distillation of compounds with similar boiling points

    When distilling a mixture of liquids, you'll always* distill over a mixture, but the fraction of each in the vapor will change with temperature. That's why some things are 'triple distilled' - by distilling multiple times you'll get a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what you're trying to...
  2. C.Braestrup

    Microwave transparent material for ESR/EPR spectrometer

    Hi! Completely forgot about this great forum! I'm designing an electron spin resonance /electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer, as an easier vacation from my diy NMR - while still utilizing much of the same setup. Issue is; I have an X-band (~12GHz) waveguide cavity in a magnet, and I...
  3. C.Braestrup

    Laboratory equipment- what is this?

    hey, just bought this interesting piece of laboratory equipment, but i have no idea what its used for. the 4 meters on front panel measures peak control, integrator, and count rate (x2) potentiometer knobs is saying; high voltage, underneath the peak control meter, under the meter...
  4. C.Braestrup

    Question: what exactly is a singularity?

    thankyou, alot! you saved my day!
  5. C.Braestrup

    Question: what exactly is a singularity?

    hi!, just wondered what exactly is a singularity? yes i could google it, but i figured you guys were smarter. on forehand, thanks.