Recent content by borib

  1. B

    B What happens to the uncertainty principle if....

    Just to understand, are you saying that in theory is possible but is just a problem of the dimensions of such machine?
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    B What happens to the uncertainty principle if....

    @DrClaude Thanks for the explanation. I've also been told that quantum cloning is not allowed. But we can perform imperfect cloning instead: ?
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    B What happens to the uncertainty principle if....

    I just read the Feynman Lectures about the electron gun experiment with two holes in the middle wall. It demonstrates that if we don't look at the electrons while they travel toward the detector there is an interference pattern in the probability curve of the electrons similarly to what happens...
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    I The spin of the neutron is a quantized property

    In the website talking about quantum properties it is said that neutrons coming from a nuclear oven and passing through two permanent magnets of opposite polarity hit a surface only at the top and the bottom of it (there is no continuity) because the spin property is quantized and...
  5. B

    What is the best book for learning about quantum mechanics for non-physicists?

    Hello everybody, I'm Roberto 32 years old from Italy. I work as web developer but I have an interest in science. I was learning about quantum physics and a question came into my mind. So I searched for places like this where I can discuss about physics with other people.