Recent content by Blackwinter

  1. B

    Programs Am I naive to be working on a STEM degree at 20?

    I will be turning 21 soon and still have two semesters of prerequisites left until I can enter into a post-secondary program... Is this naive in anyway?
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    The best approach to get your prerequisites(Math, Sciences, English)

    Conveniently enough, I do have a few 'fellow students' to work with. I think I will try to talk to an academic adviser soon. The self-study approach with "testing out" sounds good, I think I can prepare for the fall semester and then do assessments and work from there..
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    The best approach to get your prerequisites(Math, Sciences, English)

    Hi, I am a 20 year old looking to work on my prerequisites for something like computer science. The problems are that: 1) Commuting is going to be difficult, I don't currently have a car. Otherwise busing is 40 minutes. 2) Work may conflict, but I can quit if necessary. Are there...
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    Robotics, what sub-discipline deals with

    Windadct, thank you for your response. This is definitely going to inspire further research in your suggested direction.
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    Robotics, what sub-discipline deals with

    For a basic robotic arm, how does it gain feedback of where the joint articulation/position is? I'd like to start learning about that a bit more, so any resources and insights would be great. Thanks
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    Effective Methods for Learning Precalculus: Insights from Science

    Dembadon, that was one of the best post I have seen in my entire life. You just made life make sense for me. I will try my best to carry out this set of actions you have listed. I can't thank you enough, I didn't know there were competency test or academic advisers, your thoughts on short term...
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    Effective Methods for Learning Precalculus: Insights from Science

    Dembadon, I am 20, not working! I have online options where I can get high school credits, also adult education which is schooling for adults and for math, English and science, which is for free locally. I can also attend college where I believe they do the same thing. I wish to do potentially...
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    Effective Methods for Learning Precalculus: Insights from Science

    Hi, I am looking to learn precalculus. I was wondering what Physics forum thought was the best way to do this. So how do you learn algebra, trig, up to calculus in a effective fashion? Do you recommend any specific resources or methods?
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    Technical degree and employment?

    I've just been doing some research, I came across an article about CS and then I went down into the comments and there were many people complaining about having chosen CS as a degree in that the prospects were paltry. Although a few said otherwise... Now that brings me to my question, what do...
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    What has a better future? CS VS EE

    Computer science vs. Electrical engineering. Which of these disciplines has a more interesting future? In your opinion.
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    LCD? Equations and inequalities

    What do you mean by: "also you have not canceled correctly the variables z(z+1)/z=(z+1) not z(z+1)" Sorry, I have many holes in my math (Extended period away from it.) 1- 1/2 - 1/5 = 7/10?
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    LCD? Equations and inequalities

    Linear equations. Homework Statement 1/z - 1/2z - 1/5z = 10/(z+1) This is the equation presented in the textbook right after where the author explains how to use the LCD to convert this equation into a more understood linear equation. Homework Equations Here is the example before...
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    LCD? Equations and inequalities

    So, I have tried this question several times and have yet to succeed in doing it. I just wanted to make sure my conclusions about the LCD were correct, than I would proceed from there and see how I'd do. I am currently multiplying 10z(z+1) into the original equation. I am unsure what 10z(z+1)...
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    LCD? Equations and inequalities

    Homework Statement 1/z - 1/2z - 1/5z = 10/(z+1) This is the equation presented right after in the textbook where the author explains how to use the LCD to convert this equation into a more understood linear equation. Homework Equations Here is the example before this equation...
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    How to Successfully Work a 12+ Hour Day 6-7 Days a Week?

    Hi, I'd like to know what tips you have for someone looking to work a consistent 12 hour day 6-7 days a week.