Recent content by Benhur

  1. Benhur

    Combining Sine Functions: Simplifying with Trigonometry

    Thank you, DrClaude. Now I got it.
  2. Benhur

    Combining Sine Functions: Simplifying with Trigonometry

    Moved from technical forum, so no template is shown Summary: I have the expression sin(2x) + sin(2[x + π/3]) and I have to write this in terms of a single function (a single harmonic, rather saying). But I don't know how to do this, and... it seems a little bit weird for me, because I'm merging...
  3. Benhur

    Larmor precession in a 2D B-field

    Yes, I got it. Thank you for the explanation, I was very confused but now I can see a little bit better. I will explore more to see how far I get.
  4. Benhur

    Larmor precession in a 2D B-field

    So, I don't have a specific initial state. Instead, I have the general expression χ(0) = (a b). I was thinking in use the consideration of the book (a = cos(α/2) and b = sin(α/2)). But... in the end, precession seems like it's going to get weird (am I right to say that the precession it's going...
  5. Benhur

    Larmor precession in a 2D B-field

    I just tried to find the eigenvalues (for the energy), obtaining E = ±(γħ.√(Bo² + Γo²))/2 and the corresponding eigenvectors for the H matrix. But I don't know what to do to create de state vector χ.
  6. Benhur

    Question about thermal radiation

    Hello everybody, I have a question about thermal radiation: Imagine a body at a certain temperature T, in an environment with nothing around it. Theoretically, this body emits radiation according to its temperature (the maximum radiation is described by the Wien relation); If it emits, it must...
  7. Benhur

    I Deterministic chaos in linear systems

    I was reading a paper about deterministic chaos, where the author had commented that non-linear systems can be affected by this. My question is whether some linear systems can also have chaotic behavior. It is possible? Thank you
  8. Benhur

    The entropy of a Carnot cycle and the efficiency equation

    Thank you all, was very helpful to me and nice to understand.
  9. Benhur

    The entropy of a Carnot cycle and the efficiency equation

    Thank you, I checked the example, it's very interesting.
  10. Benhur

    The entropy of a Carnot cycle and the efficiency equation

    I have my first question. It's about entropy in the Carnot cycle and I'll try to be direct. The equal sign in the Carnot cycle efficiency equation is related to the fact that the total entropy doesn't change at the end of the whole cycle (being related to the fact that the heat exchanges occur...
  11. Benhur

    Exploring the World of Science: A Warm Welcome to PF!

    Hello, My name is Ben-hur, I'm a brazilian physics student - my college course is oriented to train teachers in the area, but I would like to work on studies and researches (probably about climatology or space sciences); I'm young in the scientific study, since it is my first graduation...