Recent content by atrchi

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    Science-Fiction: What could impede the use of electricity on half of Mars?

    Here's another idea. Assuming your setting is a terraformed Mars, it might include a man-made planetary magnetic field to keep solar flares from eroding the atmosphere. Perhaps the planetary magnetic field technology is so 'primitive' that it creates problems for electricity on half the planet...
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    Can anti-matter create anti-gravity and is it related to photon pairing?

    Would someone please explain? Based on BruceW, Bill_K comments... it appears our universe does not have "conservation of mass" as a basic law of particle interaction - two particles can anihilate with mass disappearing. Since mass is in many ways equivalent to energy, is there a discrepancy here...
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    Science-Fiction: What could impede the use of electricity on half of Mars?

    Were you thinking that the half would be a contiguous hemisphere? I don't think that makes sense. Instead, the area would need to be something like a band around the equator or a radius around each of the poles, adding up to half of the planet's area. If I were you I would try to elaborate some...
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    Copenhagen interpretation of Big Bang

    How old was the universe when the first wave function collapsed? Just wondering. I've checked all the FAQs on this, and the one hit in Google doesn't really cover it from a cosmological angle. I see there is a "Participatory Anthropic Principle" but my question is really more about, well, how...
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    Spatial dimensions inside a black hole

    OK must be this guy... Andrew Hamilton Interesting links.
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    Spatial dimensions inside a black hole

    Do you have a name I can Google? Thanks!
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    Spatial dimensions inside a black hole

    hello all I am so glad to have found this forum. I've always had an interest in astrophysics, cosmology, SR/GR, etc, and no place to ask questions. I'm an engineer and was once a member of Mensa (I only left the organization because I thought other members were crazy. Sorry). So although I'm...