Recent content by atomistic

  1. A

    The Refutation of Bohmian Mechanics

    My mistake. Apologies. Someone pointed me to one of his papers in Nature. I will try and find it. A balanced input from both sides please.
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    The Refutation of Bohmian Mechanics

    I found this objection from a physicist: I would appreciate some input from someone more knowledgeable than I am. Thank you!
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    Double-slit experiment with magnets and iron projectiles

    Changing the strength of the magnets are also likely to play a role right?
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    Double-slit experiment with magnets and iron projectiles

    Thanks. If I understand it correctly, the Aharonov-Bohm effect applies to electrically charged particles. Do you think an interference pattern will emerge if you replace it with "round magnetic objects of same shape, size and mass and speed"?
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    Double-slit experiment with magnets and iron projectiles

    I just think it would be interesting to have experimental/empirical results for this kind of experiment. I don't know what to expect honestly, regardless of the fact that magnetic balls are not waves. What do you expect to see bloodthunder?
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    Double-slit experiment with magnets and iron projectiles

    I just want to know what the pattern would look like after the particles pass through the slits. An interference pattern of some sort or not?
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    Double-slit experiment with magnets and iron projectiles

    Hi, I am not sure if this kind of experiment has been performed before. If so, great, I would love to see the results. Anyway, here goes. The double-slit experiments with photons, electrons and even...