Recent content by AnkhUNC

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    What is Saturn's Mass Using Kepler's Laws and Moon Data?

    So should I put t on the x and r on the y?
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    What is Saturn's Mass Using Kepler's Laws and Moon Data?

    Homework Statement I am told to find the mass of Saturn using Kepler's Laws and the following information on Saturn's moons: Mimas r = 185.52 x 106 t = 8.14 x 104 Enceladus r = 238.02 x 106 t = 11.839 x 104 Tethys r = 294.66 x 106 t = 16.311 x 104 Dione r = 377.4 x 106...
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    Gravity and mass of two objects

    On the right side the min x = .043 on the left side the max is .957. It starts out at .5 though which is in the middle so I guess <- is 0 and -> is 1. r1/r2 = 1, they're both .5 away so .5/.5 = 1. m2 is greater than m1 because the attraction is stronger so does m2 = .515 and m1 = .485?
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    Gravity and mass of two objects

    Homework Statement There are two masses of unknown weight on a straight line with a small red particle between them. At x (Measured from the center of m1) = .515 the particle does not move. What is the ratio of the two masses? i.e. m2/m1. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
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    Coeffecient of static friction problem

    ic thanks! I end up with .32492 then. Which was correct!
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    Coeffecient of static friction problem

    So its just gsin(19)/gcos(19)
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    Coeffecient of static friction problem

    ustatic = mgsin(18)/mgcos(19)? But can I solve this even if I don't have m?
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    Coeffecient of static friction problem

    That didn't work out unfortunately :(
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    Coeffecient of static friction problem

    I don't actually I have three tries to see if its right then it submits :P I'll give this a try and see if it works out.
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    Coeffecient of static friction problem

    Homework Statement I am given a right triangle with a block on it. At angle 18degrees the block does not move. At angle 19degrees the block starts sliding down the ramp. I am given no other information but I am told to find μS. The forces acting on the block are going to be Fn opposite the...
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    Weight/Normal Force of a block

    Yeah there isn't a frictional force. I think the problem was just to get me thinking about the process and I spent way too much time on it :P
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    Weight/Normal Force of a block

    The answer checked as right but like I said I was sure I did it wrong. If its not moving then N is going to be equal to P? Any websites you can recommend to help with these types of problems? :(
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    Weight/Normal Force of a block

    I was just trying to find a value for N without having m. Like I said I got the right answer but I'm sure I did it wrong
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    Weight/Normal Force of a block

    Ah its equal to 1! Sweet! I don't know if I did it right or not though. I did N = Mg/cos(45) to find N then N = mg/sin(45) so m = 1!