Recent content by Angelo422

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    Studying Self-studying plan for modern science

    Yes, I agree, that's why I'll choose to start ML. Of that I've no doubt, I content myself with the little progress that I'll do. And since I'm not in any course or school I might finish early. But I won't be thinking anything specific in terms of what I will be, how good I'll be or how fast...
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    Studying Self-studying plan for modern science

    I'll keep that in mind, thanks!
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    Studying Self-studying plan for modern science

    Thanks :biggrin: Yes, I've just graduated high school but it was in graphic design, we just had math and it was kid's level. Never did any "advanced" course but I have no doubt that I'll enjoy. In matter fact I have. My plan for ML includes Khan Academy, MIT, edX and some youtubers, that's...
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    Studying Self-studying plan for modern science

    Hey guys, I want to build a strong and straight plan for my next years of studying and once finish I am able to do something on my own and come up with crazy ideas and actually test them, build some awesome algorithms, all that cool stuff, but I'm kinda stumble so it would be nice if someone...
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    What Are the Benefits of Learning Computer Science as a Full-Stack Developer?

    That's a couple of months... :)) Thanks a lot!
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    What Are the Benefits of Learning Computer Science as a Full-Stack Developer?

    Hey guys, I'm 18 years old, I got into programming about 6 months ago, learned bearly nothing since, considering that to start I want to become a full-stack developer. I had to stop temporally with programming due to some personal matters, so 1 month ago I started computer science that fits...