This is the profile for member Akash Pratap Singh. This page shows details about Akash Pratap Singh like postings stats, blog posts, latest posts, trophies won and interests. If you want to follow or message this user you must register an account.
Akash Pratap Singh
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  • I've been reading a book on electronics and in it, in the section where it discusses transformers, it uses a line to explain why there are no dc transformers, and I don't quite get it (I understand the reason why there can't be dc transformers but not the one the book is trying to point to). Can someone help me understand? The line goes as quoted
    " Magnetizing inductance causes a primary current even with no secondary load; more significantly, it means that you cannot make a “dc transformer.”
    Wrichik Basu
    Wrichik Basu
    Post your question in the proper forum to receive an answer.
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