Recent content by Adjax

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    Hybridization, Antibonding Orbitals and All that Jazz

    This going to be a long post ! Orbital Dilemma: i) Why there is opposite phase orbital for s-orbital? [ Couldn't find any representation on the web except for a pic in Ian Fleming's Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions,pg3) *I assert no right over the image,image is referenced...
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    I Visualizing Solid Angle of a 3d Object (say a Sphere)

    @mfb Well the defination of solid angle I know is that Area subtended by base of cone at a point. So if I put sphere into the picture (Imagine fitting the sphere into the cone) ,then the maximum surface are captured by the base of the cone is 2pi*r^2 ,not the 4*pi*r^2. The other part certainly...
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    I Visualizing Solid Angle of a 3d Object (say a Sphere)

    But Ain't we should consider only the part we face only as per the definition? I asked this question in reference to proof of Gauss Theorem , everything makes sense except the part we don't see? Also let's suppose we consider part we 'don't see then let's draw a simple cone(with no extras like...
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    How can two equal and opposite forces produce motion? [EM]

    @Dale @sophiecentaur I have the e-books on my computer, I can certainly quote the pages : I have noticed that older books like Smythe, JEan and Irodov directly jumps to potential witout referencing work done. In Purcell : Pg 12 Para 3: "s. The force that has to be applied to move one charge...
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    How can two equal and opposite forces produce motion? [EM]

    First of all Thankyou @everyone for taking out your precious time to help me @Dale: I referred every book I can, indiscriminately : From school book to Purcell to Older Books like Smythe and U.Jean to some Russian texts for e.g. Irodov and finally Internet @sophiecentaur @Happiness...
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    I Prove that solid angle of any closed surface is 4pi

    @Nidum : Uh my bad, but how shall one prove that for any closed surface solid angle is always 4pi sr ?
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    I Prove that solid angle of any closed surface is 4pi

    I googled a lot on proof of Gauss theorem and nearly every other proof (on web and so on books) state that solid angle of closed surface is 4pi but I can't find the proof of this nowhere ! I tried setting up the integral but don't know how to proceed furthur : Ω=∫(cosθ/r^2)*dA Also The one...
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    I Visualizing Solid Angle of a 3d Object (say a Sphere)

    Hello Everybody! Concept of Solid Angle was pretty much straight forward until they were on surface patches were taken into account which were visualized as base of cone. I am having difficult when 3d Objects like Sphere/Cylinder . We can very easily calculate the respective area and plugin the...
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    How can two equal and opposite forces produce motion? [EM]

    Eh? I still don't understand this, ,if charge is at rest then to move it one need acceleration at first places( which yields KE as byproduct)?
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    How can two equal and opposite forces produce motion? [EM]

    sorry for typo :') [POST Editedd]
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    How can two equal and opposite forces produce motion? [EM]

    Kindly elaborate !.I mean explain the reasoning behind this decision and its implications
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    How can two equal and opposite forces produce motion? [EM]

    I am having hard time understanding the definition of work done to move a charge in an electrostatic field book says that if charge A and B sitting at some position and now if I move the charge say A towards B from arbitrary direction that force required is exactly equal and opposite to the the...
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    Admissions Can you guys who got admitted post their "Why <univ>" essays

    Hello PhysicsForum Community, I know the questions seems to be weird but can you guys who have been admitted to MiT,STanford,etc,care to upload their "Why I" or "Why this ,<univ> is for me" essay" (if guys have a copy with you) because country I...